Bulan Juli, Agustus, dan September adalah bulan-bulan ketika dirilisnya PHPMaker versi major terbaru. Sejak versi 10 sampai dengan versi 2022 (base version: 18), PHPMaker umumnya dirilis pada salah satu dari ketiga bulan tersebut. Setidaknya untuk 9 versi major terakhir.
Hari ini 29 Agustus 2022, PHPMaker 2023 masih belum dirilis. Entah apa yang menyebabkan versi 2023 ini agak telat mereka rilis. Sambil menunggu dirilisnya versi 2023 tersebut, ada baiknya kita menengok kembali sejarah PHPMaker dari masa ke masa, atau dari versi ke versi.
Sebagai informasi, PHPMaker versi 10 sampai dengan 15, dirilis pada bulan Juli setiap tahunnya. Versi 10 dirilis pada tanggal 3 Juli 2013, versi 11 dirilis pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014, dan versi 12 dirilis pada tanggal 20 Juli 2015.
Yang menarik adalah, PHPMaker mulai mengganti nama versinya dari nomor urut versi seperti di atas, menjadi versi (tahun plus satu) dari tahun saat itu. PHPMaker tidak pernah menggunakan versi 13, tapi menggantinya menjadi versi 2017, atau satu tahun dari tahun saat dirilis, yaitu 25 Juli 2016.
Yang lebih menariknya lagi adalah, PHPMaker versi 2017, 2018, dan 2019; dirilis pada tanggal yang sama, yaitu sama-sama pada tanggal 25 Juli. Entah kenapa kok bisa pada tanggal 25 Juli, apakah tanggal itu adalah tanggal keramat bagi mereka, hehehe…
PHPMaker 2017 dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2016, versi 2018 dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2017, dan versi 2019 dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2018. Cukup konsisten tanggal rilisnya, karena tiga tahun berturut-turut tepat pada tanggal 25 Juli.
Kalau kita melihat kembali history dari seluruh versi PHPMaker, baru kita sadari ternyata PHPMaker sudah berusia kurang lebih 20 tahun sampai dengan tahun 2022 ini.
Wajar memang, selama 20 tahun PHPMaker sudah mengalami banyak perkembangan, hingga bisa menjadi tools PHP code generator yang memiliki segudang fitur canggih dan fleksibel serta mudah sekali digunakan.
Buat yang penasaran, berikut ini sejarah dirilisnya versi major PHPMaker sejak versi 1 sampai dengan versi terakhir. Informasi di bawah ini akan saya update kembali setiap kali PHPMaker merilis versi major-nya.
Base version 24 = PHPMaker 2024 (dirilis pada tanggal 5 September 2023) this article was last updated on Sept 5, 2023
Base version 19 = PHPMaker 2023 (dirilis pada tanggal 12 September 2022)
Base version 18 = PHPMaker 2022 (dirilis pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2021)
Base version 17 = PHPMaker 2021 (dirilis pada tanggal 7 September 2020)
Base version 16 = PHPMaker 2020 (dirilis pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2019)
Base version 15 = PHPMaker 2019 (dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2018)
Base version 14 = PHPMaker 2018 (dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2017)
Base version 13 = PHPMaker 2017 (dirilis pada tanggal 25 Juli 2016)
Base version 12 = PHPMaker 12 (dirilis pada tanggal 20 Juli 2015)
Base version 11 = PHPMaker 11 (dirilis pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014)
Base version 10 = PHPMaker 10 (dirilis pada tanggal 3 Juli 2013)
Base version 9 = PHPMaker 9 (dirilis pada tanggal 17 April 2012)
Base version 8 = PHPMaker 8 (dirilis pada tanggal 10 Februari 2011)
Base version 7 = PHPMaker 7 (dirilis pada tanggal 11 Januari 2010)
Base version 6 = PHPMaker 6 (dirilis pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008)
Base version 5 = PHPMaker 5 (dirilis pada tanggal 3 September 2007)
Base version 4 = PHPMaker 4 (dirilis pada tanggal 6 Juni 2006)
Base version 3 = PHPMaker 3 (dirilis pada tanggal 3 Januari 2005)
Base version 2 = PHPMaker 2 (dirilis pada tanggal 2 Januari 2004)
Base version 1 = PHPMaker 1 (dirilis pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2002)
Selama kurang lebih 20 tahun, PHPMaker berusaha untuk selalu menggunakan teknologi terakhir di bidang web development. Seperti misalnya berusaha untuk mendukung versi PHP terakhir, dimana di tahun 2022 ini, PHPMaker sudah mendukung PHP 8.
Selain itu, sejak versi 2021, PHPMaker sudah mulai menggunakan routes supaya URL aplikasi webnya menggunakan versi SEO-Friendly. Sejak saat itu pula, PHPMaker menggunakan Slim Framework sampai dengan versi 2022.
Sejak versi 2019 sampai dengan versi 2022, PHPMaker pun menggunakan Composer untuk mengelola packages. Sejak versi 2019 ini juga, PHPMaker mulai memperkenalkan fitur REST API, dan masih tersedia sampai dengan versi 2022.
Terlalu banyak memang jika kita menguraikan segudang fitur yang tersedia di PHPMaker, sejak versi 1 sampai dengan versi 2022, saat artikel ini saya tulis. Jika Anda ingin melihat fitur-fitur apa saja yang tersedia di setiap versinya, silahkan buka file history.txt yang terdapat di dalam folder instalasi PHPMaker Anda.
Kalau Anda malas membukanya, di sini saya copy-kan isi selengkapnya. Sengaja saya bagi menjadi 2 bagian supaya tidak kepanjangan. Bagian pertama mulai dari versi 2023 ke atas, sedangkan bagian kedua mulai dari versi 2022 ke bawah. Semoga tidak kaget ya, hehe…
PHPMaker History >= v2023:
2023/09/05 v2024.0.0
- Bootstrap 5.3.1 and dark mode
- Chart.js 4 and new chart types
- Enhanced calendar reports
- Query builder for dashboard reports
- SSH connection for MySQL and PostgreSQL
- Improve list actions
- Multiple language files
- Supports editing email templates in code editor
- Doctrine ORM (basic mapping)
- Maintenance mode
- Chat extension (for registered users)
- Improved Preview extension with nested preview (for registered users)
- Improved user sessions management
- Event listeners
- Target PHP version - 8.0, 8.1 or 8.2
- Supports more data types (Note that these fields are not searchable)
- PHP 8 attributes for route definitions
- PHP enums
- New extension for removing XSS
- New Symfony Notifier extension for sending SMS (replaces AWSSNS extension)
- Bootstrap 5.3 nav underline option for Multi-Page
- Expand/Collapse report groups using server event
- Options to clear project folder first (re-generate all files)
- Improved control tag "cond" attribute (supports complex conditions)
- Two factor authentication supports login by 2nd factor only
- Query Builder supports saving search criteria
- Custom Template for Add Option page
- REST API always uses JWT token for user authentication
- Custom View Tag as ReadOnly fields
- Support {ProjectNamespace} placeholder for Custom Files (for generating classes)
- Autofill for lookup fields
- Supports .svg as brand logo
- New @googlemaps/markerclusterer replaces old @googlemaps/markerclustererplus
- Many other minor improvements
2023/01/09 v2023.9.0
- Requires .NET Framework v4.7.2 or newer (previously v4.6.2)
- Improved: Avoid transaction issue when using custom actions (MSSQL)
- Improved: Connection with SSL by PDO (MySQL)
- Fixed: Lookup with uuid field as Link Field (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: AutoFill with "change" events
- Fixed: Infinite Scroll with field/column visibility
- Fixed: Field input Attributes in Grid-Add/Edit
- Fixed: User ID checking for charts
- Fixed: Permission for export to XML and printer-friendly version
- Fixed: Maximum number of upload files checking
- Fixed: Select2 with "Group by" field
- Fixed: Extended Search panel when using Ajax Actions
- Fixed: Inline-Delete list action buttons
- Fixed: CSS class names for master record page
- Fixed: "Add blank row" for empty grid
- Fixed: Option template in query builder
- Updated: jQuery, SweetAlert2, Chart.js plugins, element-internals-polyfill and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2022/12/05 v2023.8.0
- Improved: Detect field data types better
- Improved: Handle server side validation error for Use Ajax Actions
- Fixed: Multi-value search
- Fixed: Crosstab report year field
- Fixed: Inline-Add/Edit with dynamic selection lists
- Fixed: Client side number formatting for CJK
- Fixed: Field names with lower case characters (Oracle)
- Fixed: Calendar report Add page permission
- Fixed: Query builder and Extended Search with default search value
- Fixed: Comma separated Parent User ID field
- Fixed: Custom Template for summary report
- Fixed: Dropdown button with single list option
- Fixed: Custom Field in crosstab report
- Fixed: MySQL TINYINT data type as CHECKBOX/RADIO with User Values
- Fixed: Detail records sorting order in Master/Detail export
- Fixed: Saving MySQL SSL connection options (UI)
- Fixed: Showing user level tables after creating tables (UI)
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.2.3
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and Leaflet
- Other minor improvements
2022/11/15 v2023.7.0
- Project specific User Code
- Improved: Persisting breadcrumb links
- Improved: Handling calendar null event group ID
- Improved: Calendar event popover template
- Fixed: Fixed header table without responsive table
- Fixed: Custom Template for Multi-Page
- Fixed: Year filter for crosstab report (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: Container definitions for tables not generated
- Fixed: Modal login dialog with third party login provider
- Fixed: Dismissing modal Delete page
- Fixed: Plain theme cannot be compiled
- Fixed: Copying record with default values
- Fixed: Add Option dialog with parent field
- Fixed: Chart.js beginAtZero option
- Fixed: Export in project with security disabled
- Updated: SweetAlert2, JsRender and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2022/11/01 v2023.6.0
- Improved: Use locale time format for calendar
- Improved: Show master table in breadcrumbs
- Improved: Add config setting for Font Awesome .css
- Improved: Allow setting native select-one for field
- Improved: Support upper/lower panel for preview page
- Improved: Avoid strtolower() warnings in Language class (for PHP 8.1)
- Fixed: Date time picker for Thai
- Fixed: Searching multi-select field
- Fixed: Returning to current page after Grid-Edit
- Fixed: Modal dialog not reset after server side error
- Fixed: User ID setting for calendar reports (UI)
- Fixed: Migrating user level primissions for MSSQL table with schema (UI)
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2022/10/25 v2023.5.0
- Improved: Detect MS SQL client better (UI)
- Improved: Add global upload path to dompdf chroot (Dompdf extension)
- Fixed: Handling LIKE operator in SQL (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Custom template in modal dialog
- Fixed: Printer friendly in View page
- Fixed: Handling null values for simple charts and TruncateMemo()
- Fixed: Multiple upload fields
- Fixed: Add filter with parentheses
- Fixed: Allow login by URL
- Fixed: View/Copy pages in Calendar report
- Fixed: Context menu for events with link in Calendar report
- Fixed: User level permission for Calendar report
- Fixed: AllDay/Start/End fields in Calendar report
- Fixed: AutoSuggest field as parent field in Dynamic Selection List
- Fixed: View page with Multi-Page enabled
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2022/10/18 v2023.4.0
- Improved: Add Row_* server events for calendar report
- Fixed: Lookup filter for LIKE operators
- Fixed: Inline-Add/Copy without Grid-Add/Edit enabled
- Fixed: Multiple detail table with same foreign key field name
- Fixed: Chart.js title and tooltip font settings
- Fixed: Dashboard charts from normal List page
- Fixed: RTL (Import preview and user permission page)
- Fixed: Time zone added by time picker
- Fixed: "Allow view all" for reports
- Fixed: Unselected fields generated in View/Add/Edit pages of Calendar report
- Fixed: Dragging and resizing calendar events
- Fixed: Custom Template in modal dialog
- Updated: Time picker, SweetAlert2 and Tabulator
- Other minor improvements
2022/10/11 v2023.3.0
- Improved: Support offset and limit for import
- Improved: Handle missing language phrase value
- Fixed: Some PHP 8.1 compatibility issues
- Fixed: "ALL" page size not shown correctly
- Fixed: CSRF headers ignored by some Apache server
- Fixed: Search panel outputted in modal dialog
- Fixed: FilterOptions with Advanced Search only
- Fixed: Modal Copy page
- Fixed: UseAjaxActions + non Modal Add/Edit page + Return page
- Fixed: tabulator_bootstrap5.min.css if "Compress project .js" disabled
- Fixed: Popover remains after dragging calendar event
- Fixed: Language phrase 'ImportMaxFailuresExceeded'
- Fixed: Selected files changed after generation by Ctrl + F9
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.2.2, SweetAlert2 and Tabulator
- Other minor improvements
2022/10/03 v2023.2.0
- Fixed: Lookup cache for dynamic selection child field
- Fixed: Select2 with "change" handlers on load
- Fixed: Modal Edit page or Multi-Edit only
- Fixed: Modal login error with 2FA disabled
- Fixed: Export with filter list shown
- Fixed: Export with Custom Template
- Fixed: Restoring session during export
- Fixed: Null/Empty operators for query builder
- Fixed: Calendar report language phrases
- Fixed: User Level Security migration (table with schema)
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2022/09/26 v2023.1.0
- Improved: Allow Add/Copy/Edit/Links in modal View page when using Ajax actions
- Improved: Add client side "rowadded" and "rowdeleted" event for Grid-Add/Edit
- Improved: Enable paste action in code editor (UI)
- Improved: Add CSS class to crosstab values
- Improved: Add Config("LOG_ERROR_DETAILS")
- Fixed: Pager when using Ajax actions
- Fixed: Add records with no existing records when using Ajax actions
- Fixed: Upload fields in Edit page
- Fixed: AdminLTE Sidebar Search and Treeview
- Fixed: Image cropper for non-png images
- Fixed: CSS file names for RTL languages
- Fixed: Change code by extension
- Fixed: Custom actions by post back
- Fixed: The "ALL" option in page size selector
- Fixed: Charts exported in View page
- Fixed: Charts with User ID Security
- Fixed: Cast field value to stirng for LIKE (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: Preview page (Preview extension)
- Fixed: Error on synchronization with database (UI)
- Updated: SweetAlert2, Leaflet, date/time picker and element-internals-polyfill
- Other minor improvements
2022/09/12 v2023.0.0
- Supports PHP 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1
- Calendar Report with popover and context menu
- Enhanced Dashboard Report with export
- Two factor authentication (Email and SMS with third party API)
- Fixed Header Table (without extension)
- Query Builder
- Multi-Edit for editing selected records
- Modal Grid-Add/Edit
- Charts for tables and views
- Login provider for SAML2 and Azure AD
- Improved data import
- Export API and export log
- File upload with client side cropping
- Barcode with text (Custom View Tag)
- SELECT tag with <optgroup>
- Ajax actions without reloading page
- Infinite Scrolling Table (Extension for registered users only)
- Pretty error page for development
- Replaces out-dated Composer packages incompatible with PHP 8.1
- IS EMPTY and IN search operators
- Uses FIND_IN_SET() for MySQL
- Show Current Filter for tables/views
- Custom Message in Add Option page
- Table name as tooltip in User Permissions Setup page
- URLs of .js and .css files with version
- Supports async function in custom validate
- Language file includes phrases for Tempus Dominus, Select2, jQuery Query Builder and FullCalendar
- Improved temporary files cleanup
- Bootstrap 5.2.1, AdminLTE 3.2 and Font Awesome 6
- Dompdf v2.0.0 (Dompdf extension)
- Tempus Dominus v6.0.0 (DateTime Picker extension)
- AWSSNS extension for two factor authentication (Extension for registered users only)
- Table_Load and Opt_Sending server events
- UI supports working behind proxy server
- Improved documentation on website
- Many other minor improvements
PHPMaker History <= 2022
2022/08/04 v2022.12.4
- Better compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Connection info of MSSQL not shown properly
- Fixed: Export Master/Detail
- Fixed: Decimal field as Link Field
- Fixed: Lookup options with master table
- Fixed: Email template path
- Fixed: list_options_2 Custom Template Tag
- Fixed: Stacked chart tooltips
- Updated: SweetAlert2, Luxon, jQuery UI, date/time picker and element-internals-polyfill
- Other minor improvements
2022/04/25 v2022.12.0
- Better compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Checking empty row in grid
- Fixed: Default sorting order
- Fixed: Multi-Page as Accordion
- Fixed: ListOptions visibleCount() method
- Fixed: CHECKBOX Edit Tag without dropdown
- Fixed: Showing server side error message in Login pages
- Fixed: $DownloadFileName global variable for BLOB fields without file name field
- Improved: fetch() method
- Improved: Check permission for Grid/Inline-Add/Edit
- Improved: beforesubmit/aftersubmit client side event
- Improved: Mute video before autoplay for YouTube videos
- Updated: SweetAlert2, chartjs-plugin-annotation v1.4.0, date/time picker and element-internals-polyfill
- Other minor improvements
2022/02/28 v2022.11.0
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Preview field checking
- Fixed: Accordion collapsing
- Fixed: Routes for View pages in groups
- Fixed: Showing PDF from BLOB field in Preview page
- Fixed: AutoSuggest with "Auto-Suggest all display fields" disabled
- Fixed: Auto JS Template not shown in Code repo for server event (UI)
- Improved: Check User ID field of user table better (UI)
- Improved: Handle non-varchar fields for Custom Template (PostgreSQL)
- Improved: Load default values for table without primary key field(s)
- Updated: SweetAlert2, Chart.js, chartjs-plugin-annotation and element-internals-polyfill
- Other minor improvements
2022/01/31 v2022.10.0
- Fixed: Update current values in addRow() and editRow()
- Fixed: Preview extension 'previewPopoverTrigger' setting
- Fixed: Audit table set wrongly as Subscription table (UI)
- Improved: emptyRow() checking
- Improved: Add language files for TinyMCE
- Improved: HTML preview for large project (UI)
- Updated: Chart.js, chartjs-plugin-annotation, chartjs-adapter-luxon, SweetAlert2, Popper and Luxon
- Other minor improvements
2022/01/11 v2022.9.0
- Fixed: jQuery plugin .toJsDate() method
- Fixed: Form object value property not always reset on re-validation
- Fixed: Invalid feedback for native SELECT tag not reset in Safari
- Fixed: Active sub-menu item in side menu not highlighted properly
- Fixed: Report lookup field 'BETWEEN' operator
- Fixed: Detail List page master record checking
- Fixed: Chart drilldown for Crosstab reports
- Fixed: addUserPermission() for new table
- Fixed: File upload field drop zone width for mobile
- Fixed: Confirm password field in Custom Template
- Fixed: Allow View All for lookup fields
- Fixed: Lookup permission checking for userIDAllow()
- Fixed: Export to email in View page
- Fixed: Export S3 images
- Improved: Handle double byte characters better (PhpSpreadsheet)
- Improved: Skip 2FA for registration if forced 2FA not enabled
- Improved: Replace toast by alert on Add Option error
- Improved: Add "select2" event before initializing Select2
- Improved: Add CSS classes option for YouTube Custom View Tag
- Improved: Update package versions in composer.json
- Improved: Add option to show chart missing series values as zero
- Improved: Pager in View/Edit pages
- Updated: Chart.js, chartjs-plugin-annotation and date/time picker
- Other minor improvements
2021/12/15 v2022.8.0
- Fixed: Error message HTML-encoded
- Fixed: Image column width (PhpSpreadsheet)
- Fixed: Card CSS class in Dashboard reports
- Fixed: Check duplicate for primary key fields
- Fixed: Fixed header table in Dashboard reports
- Fixed: Field max length for numeric fields after sync (UI)
- Improved: Check project name
- Improved: Attributes of menu item
- Improved: Format null as empty string
- Improved: Skip 'SET DATEFORMAT ymd' (MSSQL)
- Improved: Custom Template in Modal dialog
- Improved: Error handling on generating barcode (PHPBarcode)
- Improved: Allow rendering a field more than once in Custom Template
- Improved: Column headings as "Date" with DateTime fields (Crosstab)
- Improved: Allow changing grouping/decimal separators in locale settings
- Improved: Add ExportFieldCaption property for DbField class
- Updated: SweetAlert2, luxon, element-internals-polyfill.js, Chart.js and chartjs-plugin-annotation
- Other minor improvements
2021/12/01 v2022.7.0
- Display lookup fields in reports and charts (X-axis)
- Fixed: Search composer packages
- Fixed: Select2 dropdown position in modal
- Fixed: Connection to PostgreSQL with SSL
- Fixed: Captcha in Login and Change Password pages
- Fixed: ReCaptcha in modal Login page on reload
- Fixed: Swagger UI for Add/Edit/Register
- Fixed: Date/Time picker "change" event
- Fixed: Concurrent user login error (non-modal)
- Fixed: Invalid feedback not reset for Modal Lookup fields
- Fixed: Empty string parsed as 0 by PHP 7.x
- Improved: Handle custom element for Firefox >= 93
- Improved: Ignore error on calling HtmlToText()
- Improved: Add global upload options for jQuery File Upload
- Improved: Remove "Save" button in CKEditor
- Improved: Add decimal and grouping separators to locale settings
- Improved: Change form CSS width to max-width
- Updated: SweetAlert2, dompdf, Chart.js and chartjs-plugin-annotation
- Other minor improvements
2021/11/15 v2022.6.0
- Allow setting locale numbering system to 'latn'
- Add client side PAGE_ID for login and reset/change password pages
- Fixed: Aggregates for multi-column table layout or preview field
- Fixed: Button group in Grid page
- Fixed: Init HTML editors for Custom Template in non-modal pages
- Fixed: FixedHeaderTable extension generate-time error
- Fixed: Audit trail for anonymous user
- Fixed: Detail table in accordion
- Fixed: Submit button of Custom Template for Extended Search
- Fixed: Scroll to row after Inline-Edit
- Fixed: Focus CKEditor dialog in modal pages
- Improved: Date/Time picker (Edit date only)
- Improved: Chart labels
- Improved: CurrentUserEmail() and CurrentUserImageBase64()
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and session middleware
- Other minor improvements
2021/11/01 v2022.5.0
- Fixed: Preview field
- Fixed: Searching in column filters
- Fixed: Detect empty form
- Fixed: Page_Redirecting server event
- Fixed: Detail record count in multiple Master/Detail-View page
- Fixed: Export to Excel (.xlsx format)
- Fixed: Export reports to Word
- Fixed: Dashboard report page title and breadcrumb
- Fixed: Quick Search (A OR B) with "Auto" option
- Fixed: Report with fields using TEXTAREA Edit Tag
- Fixed: Dual Y charts
- Fixed: Load database names with URL connection (UI)
- Improved: Use psr/log if PHP < 8
- Improved: Show message in Custom File
- Improved: Submit modal login, password recovery and change password pages by pressing Enter key
- Improved: Focus modal dialog on show
- Improved: Handle empty timezone
- Improved: Log PHPMailer debug messages
- Updated: Chart.js v3.6.0
- Other minor improvements
2021/10/18 v2022.4.0
- Fixed: User profile corrupted error in Multi-Language project
- Fixed: Client side validation for boolean field
- Fixed: Autofill boolean checkbox
- Fixed: Search User ID fields
- Fixed: Format report summary fields
- Fixed: ChartScaleBeginWithZero for Line/Area charts
- Fixed: Expand preview row on clicking row links/buttons (not in dropdown)
- Fixed: Client side redirect() with port number
- Fixed: Search filter field
- Fixed: Hide detail items for dropdown (Preview extension)
- Fixed: Export in Excel2007 format (PhpSpreadsheet extension)
- Improved: Allow setting lookup cache by page IDs in Config
- Improved: Update theme settings (UI)
- Improved: Import without enabling PhpSpreadsheet extension
- Improved: Built-in JavaScript plugins in AdminLTE
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.3, SweetAlert2 and Date/Time picker
- Other minor improvements
2021/10/04 v2022.3.0
- Fixed: Icon size
- Fixed: CSS of hidden tabs
- Fixed: CSS when search panel 'Field per row' = 1
- Fixed: Check search operator 2
- Fixed: JavaScript error of search panel buttons
- Fixed: Warning message on import failure
- Fixed: Preview extension - SingleRow option
- Fixed: Custom field format pattern
- Fixed: 'file' API action for encrypted file path
- Fixed: Load user extensions (UI)
- Fixed: control.xml not found (UI)
- Improved: browser-based code editor (UI)
- Improved: Preview HTML (UI)
- Improved: Error handling for AutoFill
- Improved: Change menu item name attribute to data-name
- Improved: Add spacing between multiple uploaded files on List/View
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and Date/Time picker
- Other minor improvements
2021/09/15 v2022.2.0
- New browser-based code editor (requires WebView2)
- Fixed: Lookup request with mixed types
- Fixed: CHECKBOX/RADIO selection lists problem in Firefox
- Fixed: Invalid feedback for CHECKBOX/RADIO selection lists
- Fixed: Master record User ID checking
- Fixed: CKEditor dialogs in modal pages
- Fixed: Chart data labels
- Fixed: Email_Sending for Multi-Update/Delete
- Improved: Ignore List page search criteria for modal View/Edit pages
- Improved: Check lanuguage ID case-insensitively
- Improved: Check numeric user values of lookup fields better
- Improved: Reset Password and Register links in modal Login page
- Improved: Error handling on copying CKEditor/TinyMCE from composer packages to project folder
- Improved: Error handling on getting Chart advanced settings
- Improved: Batch size for batch Ajax lookup
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.1, SweetAlert2 and Date/Time picker
- Other minor improvements
2021/09/01 v2022.1.0
- Fixed: Custom Template with comparison/logical operators
- Fixed: Default values for (Extended) Quick Search
- Fixed: Lookup with security disabled
- Fixed: Multiple colorpickers in tabs
- Fixed: Server/Client side validation for localized field values
- Fixed: Custom currency symbol in locale settings
- Fixed: Unsupported HTMLElement.attachInternals() in Firefox/Safari
- Fixed: Auto-focus RADIO/CHECKBOX fields
- Fixed: User image not showing
- Fixed: Home page link when Start Page is function name
- Fixed: Extended Search Option AND/OR/AUTO
- Fixed: Date/Time picker enabled for fields with custom format
- Fixed: Bootstrap/AdminLTE settings not initiated properly (UI)
- Fixed: Language file version not checked properly (UI)
- Improved: Allow all Windows users to use PHPMaker (UI)
- Improved: HTML preview (UI)
- Improved: Show locale settings in right-to-left for RTL lauguages (UI)
- Improved: Create InnoDB tables if MySQL >= 5.6 (UI)
- Improved: Allow fields with "TEXT" Edit Tag set as Modal Lookup
- Improved: Search all display fields in Modal Lookup, Select2 and Filter
- Improved: Add selectMinimumInputLength setting for Select2
- Improved: Use SPAN tag for read-only lookup fields
- Updated: SweetAlert2 and Date/Time picker
- Other minor improvements
2021/08/16 v2022.0.0
- Internationalization (i18n) by native PHP Intl extension and JavaScript Intl object
- Web Push Notifications
- Two Factor Authentication (Google Authenticator)
- Column Visibility
- Multi-Column List Page - Switchable between Table and Cards views
- Custom Template for Cards view
- Preview Field
- TEXT Edit Tag Input Type
- Bootstrap 5.1
- Chart.js 3.5 with i18n
- Show percentage in Pie/Doughnut charts
- 19 theme colors with Bootstrap 5 and AdminLTE 3
- User image and user name in sidebar
- Sidebar search (for searching menu items)
- Navbar search (as Quick Search input for tables)
- Table Header Filter with infinite scrolling
- Improved file input with dropzone
- Improved Modal Lookup with infinite scrolling
- Improved Date/Time Picker (Extension) with i18n
- Improved Detail Preview (Extension for registerd users only)
- Leaflet (Custom View Tag for registerd users only) for OpenStreetMap (OSM) or Mapbox
- npm Packages
- Template and extensions as npm Packages
- Semantic versioning
- Auto-Focus
- Improved AutoSuggest with infinite scrolling
- Improved Color Picker (Custom Edit Tag)
- Option not to generate route groups for better performance
- Option to use route cache for better performance
- Option to use native SELECT tag for select-one fields
- Require PHP >= 7.3
- Use globally installed Node.js and npm 7
- DBAL 3
- Multiple Parent User ID
- Improved HTML preview in UI by Microsoft Edge Canary engine
- Improved Ajax lookup performance (fewer HTTP requests and SQL queries)
- Improved server/client side validation in Master/Detail forms
- Export report with charts to PDF (for S3)
- Support Row_Inserting/Inserted/Updating/Updated server events during import
- Allow more fields in Extended Search for Crosstab reports
- Allow setting lookup field user values in server event
- Allow null values with referential integrity if key fields are not required field
- Paper size and Word version settings for PHPWord extension (for registered users only)
- URL validator
- Remove support for IE 11 and use JavaScript ES6
- Use Pace.js to show page loading
- Replace Moment by Luxon
- Select2, SweetAlert2, Date/Time picker, TimePicker, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated
- Remember folder of project file after opening a project (UI)
- Improved docs on website
- Many other minor improvements
2021/07/05 v2021.0.15
- Avoid conflicts with Office 365 v2106
- Fixed: Custom template in modal dialog
- Fixed: Page_Selecting for crosstab report
- Fixed: Parent fields in detail grid
- Fixed: Uploaded file in upload template not removed properly if not multiple
- Improved: Error handling of charts with empty data
- Improved: Error handling when custom template not found
- Improved: Domain and path settings for cookies
- Improved: Client side showMessage() function
- Other minor improvements
2021/05/31 v2021.0.14
- Fixed: Lookup fields (RADIO/CHECKBOX) without dropdown
- Fixed: Lookup fields in reports
- Fixed: Problem with lookup value = 0
- Fixed: fileDownload() for sweetalert2
- Fixed: Warnings for thumbnail default width/height
- Fixed: Client side SSN validation
- Fixed: RowType property after calling renderViewRow()
- Fixed: Encoding for loadHTML() when exporting reports
- Fixed: loadUserID() method of AdvancedSecurity class
- Fixed: Preview with security disabled
- Updated: sweetalert2 v10.16.9
- Updated: sweetalert2-themes (Bootstrap 4) v4.0.5
- Other minor improvements
2021/04/26 v2021.0.13
- Improved: Sync field max. length if field size changed (UI)
- Improved: Avoid false positive by Windows Defender (UI)
- Improved: Show progress when downloading template or new version (UI)
- Improved: Replace CR+LF by <br> for memo fields
- Improved: ScriptName(), SendEmail() and Email class
- Improved: Use user ID for Audit Trail in Login/Logout pages
- Fixed: Navbar bottom border
- Fixed: Sidebar for all Navbar menu items
- Fixed: Option Template for Select2
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List for 2nd search field in summary/crosstab reports
- Fixed: 'BETWEEN' operator for report dropdown filter
- Updated: TCPDF 6.4.1
- Other minor improvements
2021/04/06 v2021.0.12
- Improved: Set language phrase for client side
- Improved: Add Options property for DbField class
- Improved: Trigger "change" event for input element (Date/Time Picker extension)
- Fixed: Export in iframe
- Fixed: Generate Custom Template for selected fields
- Fixed: Format short time in Edit page
- Fixed: Form action
- Fixed: Permission for Preview page
- Fixed: Readonly file input
- Fixed: Preview PDF file for BLOB field
- Fixed: Set up current table if security disabled
- Fixed: Modal dialog submitted twice
- Fixed: BLOB field in Master page (PostgreSQL)
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.1.0 (including Select2 4.0.13 and sweetalert2 v10.15.6)
- Other minor improvements
2021/03/15 v2021.0.11
- Add package.json for node modules
- Improved: Use try/catch for insert/update()
- Improved: CurrentPageUrl() for routes with arguments
- Improved: Width of search field without second field input
- Improved: PHPWord and PhpSpreadsheet extensions (for registered users)
- Improved: Error handling in FixedHeaderTable extension (for registered users)
- Fixed: Time picker
- Fixed: Export to PDF
- Fixed: "Requires search" for SELECT tag in Extended Search
- Fixed: Escaping random key
- Updated: jQuery 3.6.0
- Other minor improvements
2021/02/22 v2021.0.10
- New advanced setting: "Check new version on start"
- Improved: Check new version, download and install (UI)
- Improved: Skip compiling .scss if error occurred (UI)
- Improved: Check if PHP 7.3 for compatible Composer packages
- Improved: Error handling for compressing .js file
- Improved: Error handling of missing User ID field
- Improved: Do not use @import in .scss for datetime picker
- Improved: SQL expression for concatenating fields (MSSQL)
- Improved: Check HTTPS if advanced setting "Cookie Secure" enabled
- Improved: Show error message on backup failure
- Fixed: Disable submit button during form submission
- Fixed: Crosstab report with drilldown
- Fixed: SELECT Edit Tag with parent field and "requires search" enabled
- Fixed: PHP warnings when using Dynamic User Level Security
- Fixed: Breadcrumb for Delete page of detail table
- Fixed: Can not clear an advanced setting (UI)
- Fixed: Check User ID field for user table (UI)
- Fixed: Search multiple value for numeric fields in reports
- Fixed: Page size selector for reports
- Fixed: Multi-language field custom message
- Fixed: Lookup field with parent table in non-Master/Detail pages
- Updated: Time picker, JsRender, and PDFObject
- Other minor improvements
2021/01/25 v2021.0.9
- Improved: Check PHP 8
- Improved: Default page for anonymous user
- Improved: Show stack trace in Error page
- Improved: Error handling for no permissions after login
- Improved: Error handling when loading chart parameters
- Improved: Use @set_time_limit()
- Improved: Add Config("SAVE_FILE_OPTIONS") for saving file by file_put_contents()
- Improved: Handle non-Latin alphabets (e.g. Greek) in table/field names
- Improved: Highlight menu item with custom URL and base path
- Fixed: GetConnectionId()
- Fixed: IsSysAdmin() for API
- Fixed: Printer friendly version
- Fixed: Custom action by postback
- Fixed: Master record checking in Add page
- Fixed: minimumResultsForSearch for Select2
- Fixed: File API action with User Level Security disabled
- Fixed: Export to CSV/Excel/Word without extension
- Fixed: href for "Delete" button (Preview extension)
- Fixed: Error with IsAdmin() (FileManager extension)
- Fixed: Repeat code for all fields in Custom Template editor (UI)
- Updated: Bootstrap 4.6.0, JsRender 1.0.10, and dompdf 1.0.2
- Other minor improvements
2021/01/05 v2021.0.8
- Use Node.js 14
- Improved: Support HTTPS for URL connection
- Improved: Server events for Custom Files
- Improved: Route parameters [/{params:.*}] for Custom Files
- Improved: Throw error if Custom File content is empty
- Improved: Go to first page with permission after login
- Improved: Allow $info["driver"] in Database_Connecting server event
- Improved: Skip set_time_limit() if EXPORT_ALL_TIME_LIMIT < 0
- Improved: Sorting in Preview page
- Improved: Check table name better to avoid conflicts in class names
- Improved: Make sure menu template ready before rendering
- Improved: Use __DIR__ in config.php to avoid some path issues
- Improved: Log email error in SendEmail()
- Improved: Add client side "beforesubmit" event for forms
- Fixed: Logging in Lookup class
- Fixed: CSS for exporting report to PDF
- Fixed: Order By reset when getting record count
- Fixed: Server side custom validation using addErrorMessage()
- Fixed: Wrong syntax for accessing some field objects
- Fixed: Client side field properties for modal dialog
- Updated: Overlay Scrollbars
- Other minor improvements
2020/12/14 v2021.0.7
- Improved: Support function name as Start Page
- Improved: Support returning JSON response in server events
- Improved: Check empty foreign key value by '===' operator
- Improved: Add Swagger path for login by URL
- Improved: Security for upload and permissions actions (API)
- Improved: Avoid loading Login or List page in modal dialog
- Improved: Always backup/restore search filters in user profile
- Fixed: QueryBuilder()
- Fixed: Route(0) returns wrong value
- Fixed: Swagger for sites without base path
- Fixed: "Required" validation for invisible fields
- Fixed: Empty row checking in Grid-Add
- Fixed: Get/Set session variable value by Session() in Global Code
- Fixed: Anonymous user set as logged in
- Updated: JsRender v1.0.9
- Other minor improvements
2020/12/01 v2021.0.6
- Session helper
- New advanced setting "Session-less API actions"
- Improved: Skip updating detail key field in Master/Detail-Edit
- Improved: Format as text and skip lookup cache for self-lookup fields
- Improved: API uses same compiled container and log file as application
- Improved: Detect JsRender tags in selected HTML attributes (Custom Template)
- Improved: Support PHP short echo tag in Custom Template editor (UI)
- Improved: Alternate row color in Field Setup page (UI)
- Fixed: Color syntax in Code editor (UI)
- Fixed: Crosstab report setup form (UI)
- Fixed: Edit page conflict reload
- Fixed: Lookup field SQL with filter
- Fixed: Toast container z-index
- Other minor improvements
2020/11/16 v2021.0.5
- New advanced setting "Treat PHP warnings and notices as errors" for debugging
- Improved: Sanitize URL in JavaScript
- Improved: HTML-encode href attributes
- Improved: Exception in class LdapConn
- Improved: Check parent table of lookup fields
- Improved: Create object with Container() by class name
- Improved: Use table default sorting fields in preview page
- Improved: Output Custom Template data for visible fields only
- Improved: Not use global upload path for API CompiledContainer.php
- Improved: Allow calling terminate() method of page object in Views
- Fixed: AutoFill JavaScript error
- Fixed: Log error with Debug enabled
- Fixed: Lookup without security enabled
- Fixed: PHP notices in Dashboard reports
- Fixed: Lookup table with User ID Security
- Fixed: Error message of invalid master key
- Fixed: fetchAll() error in Multi-Update page
- Fixed: Custom Template for master record page
- Fixed: Detail key field as parent lookup field in Master/Detail-Edit
- Fixed: Wrongly define class names for Custom File without "Include common files"
- Fixed: JsRender source map
- Other minor improvements
2020/11/02 v2021.0.4
- Improved: Detect image format
- Improved: Sanitize search filter name
- Improved: Check lookup permission in API permission middleware
- Improved: Make sure allowed file types specified in lowercase
- Fixed: Checkbox id
- Fixed: "datetime" validator
- Fixed: Export Master/Detail data
- Fixed: DbChart constructor
- Fixed: FileViewer with encrypted file path enabled
- Fixed: Polyfill for Array.from (for IE only)
- Fixed: Custom File (for .php without "Include common files")
- Updated: JsRender v1.0.8
- Updated: Composer-Setup.exe
- Other minor improvements
2020/10/19 v2021.0.3
- Swagger UI for REST API at '/swagger/'
- New advanced setting "Use Swagger UI"
- GetUploadedFileNames() for accessing uploaded files by token returned by API
- Improved: JSON response for JWT error (API)
- Improved: Remove project ID in update permission action response (API)
- Improved: Support encrypted file path in file action (API)
- Fixed: Missing ew.vars.tables.<table> for some pages in Modals
- Fixed: Return page for List page
- Fixed: Page class lettercase for table pages and Register page (API)
- Fixed: Multiple delete response (API)
- Fixed: Hard-coded paths in autoload_static.php generated by composer (for UNC path)
- Updated: Bootstrap 4.5.3
- Updated: Chart.js 2.9.4
- Other minor improvements
2020/10/05 v2021.0.2- Improved: Use password mask for password field
- Improved: Skip lookup for hidden fields on Add/Edit
- Improved: Session timeout message supports minutes (%m)
- Improved: Log insert/update/delete statements
- Improved: Detect .jpg file signature better
- Improved: Use ew*.min.js
- Improved: Check table names with control ID conflicts
- Improved: Disable save button on cancel
- Improved: Skip searching virtual field if not visible
- Improved: Add Config("DEBUG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE")
- Improved: Trigger change by fields().value() (for Select2)
- Fixed: Failed to compile date time picker .scss
- Fixed: Validators
- Fixed: personaldata.php
- Fixed: ew.ajax()
- Fixed: Field upload path for API upload
- Fixed: Master/Detail with no detail records
- Fixed: Support for IE 11 (Custom Template not supported)
- Fixed: Generation error with views if URL connection (UI)
- Other minor improvements
2020/09/21 v2021.0.1
- Improved: DomainUrl() for HTTPS without port number in server variables
- Improved: Show page number as disabled in pager for modal page (Preview)
- Improved: Add "RewriteBase directive" advanced setting for .htaccess
- Improved: Handle UNC path as project folder when compiling .scss
- Improved: Check upload path for compiling container definitions
- Improved: Throw error if PhpEncrypt() failed
- Improved: Handle numbers in lookup field display value
- Improved: Return unauthorized for invalid token for API
- Fixed: Concatenate string in SQL according to database type
- Fixed: Tables with name starting with digit
- Fixed: "updatedone" event
- Fixed: Update encrypted password
- Fixed: BasePath() for sites without base path
- Fixed: Save current filter
- Fixed: "for" attribute for checkbox
- Fixed: Duplicate namespace for Custom File
- Fixed: Write audit trail to database
- Fixed: Default sort order
- Fixed: Encrypt user name and password
- Fixed: Routes with "Lowercase output file name" disabled
- Fixed: Execute scripts in templates (in code repo) for Custom Template
- Fixed: Custom Template for Multi-Page
- Fixed: Render upload files if insert/update cancelled
- Fixed: Output languages to JSON
- Many other minor improvements
2020/09/07 v2021.0.0
- Require PHP >= 7.2
- Replace ADOdb by DBAL and PDO (Remove support for MS Access)
- Slim Framework (Routing, middleware and dependency container, etc.)
- Logger for logging SQL and errors
- Error handler and error page
- PSR-12 coding standard
- Load classes by PSR-4
- Enhanced Validation
- Field Input Help Text (Custom Message)
- Enhanced Charts (Trend lines, annotation, data labels)
- Encrypted Connection with MySQL/PostgreSQL
- Sharing Project with Other Users (via GitHub)
- Commit changes with message
- Improved Custom Template
- Code Repository supports scripting for fast and complex Custom Template generation
- Improved Select Tag (Select2)
- Improved Dropdown for Radio/Checkbox Tag
- Improved Toasts (AdminLTE Toasts Plugin)
- Improved Alerts (SweetAlert2)
- Development/Production environment (for database connection info, SMTP and JWT settings)
- Option to compile container for production
- Connection info of production server (JSON)
- Optional MySQL driver (mysqli/pdo_mysql)
- Optional Microsoft SQL Server driver (sqlsrv/pdo_sqlsrv)
- Sort option (Toggle/Tristate)
- Optional Invalid username/password characters
- Option to use Bootstrap switch for boolean fields
- Option to add API custom headers (for Apache/IIS)
- New Server Events (Route_Action, Api_Action, and Container_Build)
- User Level Security supports multiple user levels for each user
- Save locale settings in project
- New URL connection script to simulate direct connection
- Handle SQLite INTEGER field with CHECKBOX Edit Tag as boolean field
- Fixed header table extension supports user permission setup page
- CAPTCHA extensions supports two CAPTCHAs (one in page, the other in modal dialog)
- Allow user defined string functions for selecting in View Tag
- Support accept and capture attributes for file upload fields
- Clear sorting in List pages by Shift-Clicking table column header
- Save state of AdminLTE Sidebar
- Show version in project history
- Searchbox for table (Database pane)
- Searchbox for output files (Generate form)
- Allow unloading loaded table (for "Load tables dynamically")
- JavaScript compressor with ES6+ support
- Moment, jQuery File Upload, TimePicker, dompdf, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated
- Many other minor improvements
2020/06/01 v2020.0.16
- Improved: Handle zero values for master keys
- Improved: Add Lookup permission for "Allow View All" (User ID Security)
- Improved: Handle autoincrement user level ID field
- Improved: Secruity for "permission" action (REST API)
- Improved: Handle invalid JWT token (REST API)
- Fixed: Registration if user already exists (REST API)
- Fixed: Security for Anonymous Access (REST API)
- Fixed: Default extensions not enabled for new project
- Fixed: Captcha in change password page
- Updated: jQuery v3.5.1
- Updated: Bootstrap v4.5.0
- Updated: AdminLTE v3.0.5
- Many other minor improvements
2020/05/11 v2020.0.15
- Add "permission" and "register" actions (REST API)
- Return "401 Unauthorized" if no permission (REST API)
- Support FormData with both normal fields and file upload fields (REST API)
- Support "Max Length (List page)" for memo fields (REST API)
- Support citext data type as text data type (PostgreSQL)
- Improved: Return Href Fields also in List page (REST API)
- Improved: Add custom headers in web.config (REST API)
- Improved: Security (REST API)
- Improved: Add nav-child-indent class to menu
- Improved: File type checking with ContentType()
- Improved: Checking PostgreSQL sequence
- Fixed: Custom file with relative path
- Fixed: Multi-language lookup request
- Fixed: YouTube Videos (Custom View Tag)
- Fixed: Validation of DateTime without seconds
- Fixed: Validation of User Level ID field when adding user level
- Fixed: IMPORT_CSV_DELIMITER with escape character
- Many other minor improvements
2020/04/06 v2020.0.14
- Support connection to Azure Database for MySQL
- ScrollbarMode advanced setting (UI)
- Advanced settings for cookie
- Improved: Set up lookup setting for Date Interval
- Improved: Skip updating selection lists in Confirm page
- Improved: HTML-encode foreign key hidden values
- Improved: Consent page cookie expiry time
- Fixed: Save current filters for report (Server side)
- Fixed: Date/Time picker
- Fixed: REST API with security disabled
- Fixed: REST API file access without User Level security
- Fixed: Custom field setting on copying field settings
- Fixed: YouTubeVideos Custom View Tag
- Fixed: Siderbar for top navigation
- Updated: ADOdb v5.20.17
- Updated: AdminLTE v3.0.4
- Updated: OverlayScrollars 1.12.0
- Many other minor improvements
2020/03/24 v2020.0.13
- Improved: Add DOWNLOAD_PDF_FILE configuration setting
- Improved: UnFormatDateTime() supports format in "hh:mm AM/PM"
- Improved: Import records to table without primary key
- Improved: Add Option dialog with textarea
- Improved: Set textarea (with HTML editor) value by .value() of .fields() jQuery plugin
- Improved: Hide tooltip when datetime/time picker shows
- Improved: REST API login action returns more info
- Improved: REST API edit action for editing primary key
- Fixed: ADOdb MSSQL driver
- Fixed: View file if security not enabled
- Fixed: Checkbox id for boolean fields in Modal dialog
- Fixed: Error on copying file during generation
- Fixed: Check duplicate (for Oracle)
- Fixed: Color palette setup form for charts (UI)
- Many other minor improvements
2020/03/03 v2020.0.12
- Improved: Allow manual input of database name and schema for PostgreSQL (UI)
- Improved: Page number selector width
- Improved: Error handling of invalid Custom Field expression
- Improved: Handle incorrect upload settings
- Improved: Handle empty field format type for highlighting search result
- Improved: insertSql() method
- Improved: JSON encode for data in Custom Template
- Fixed: Missing header in export to CSV (View page)
- Fixed: Export numeric lookup field (PhpSpreadsheet)
- Fixed: API user level security
- Updated: UploadHandler.php
- Updated: OverlayScrollars 1.11.0
- Updated: JsRender 1.0.6
- Many other minor improvements
2020/02/05 v2020.0.11
- Improved: Skip lookup for readonly fields
- Fixed: API for multiple file upload
- Fixed: Connection with PostgreSQL 12 (UI)
- Fixed: Google maps for report with groups
- Fixed: Inline-Add lookup for multi column List page
- Fixed: Row_Import server event
- Fixed: Export aggregate (PhpSpreadsheet extension)
- Updated: OverlayScrollars 1.10.3
- Many other minor improvements
2020/01/21 v2020.0.10
- Improved: Skip render own lookup
- Improved: Check "pageno" before "start" for pager
- Fixed: Lookup display fields in same table
- Fixed: API with Windows Authentication
- Fixed: Master/Detail key with Auto-Update Value
- Fixed: Custom full URL protocols
- Fixed: Google maps for reports
- Fixed: Boolean lookup for reports
- Fixed: Cannot delete report (UI)
- Fixed: Font error in Firefox
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.0.2
- Many other minor improvements
2020/01/07 v2020.0.9
- Improved: Use encryption key as random key if set
- Improved: Use TransactionIsolation = SQLSRV_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED (MSSQL)
- Improved: Encrypt session ID in encrypted file path
- Improved: Handle Custom Field that is a SELECT statement
- Fixed: Cell_Rendered server event for reports
- Fixed: function submitAction()
- Fixed: Export to PDF with Barcode
- Fixed: Date/Time picker and lookup field text input width (for Bootstrap 4.4)
- Fixed: Search panel toggle button (for Bootstrap 4.4)
- Fixed: Reports not shown for Static User Level Security
- Updated: OverlayScrollars 1.10.2
- Many other minor improvements
2019/12/10 v2020.0.8
- Improved: User interface
- Improved: Handle empty display value in lookup (Use original value)
- Improved: submitAction() allows $.ajax() settings
- Improved: Center reCAPTCHA in mobile mode (reCAPTCHA extension)
- Fixed: Autologin after registration/activation
- Fixed: Navbar CSS class names
- Fixed: Table grid panel colors in List page
- Fixed: Virtual lookup field unchecked in List page
- Fixed: Input group width in Login and Change Password pages
- Fixed: Load events on changing reports (UI)
- Updated: Bootstrap 4.4.1
- Many other minor improvements
2019/11/25 v2020.0.7
- More AdminLTE 3 sidbar and navbar CSS classes
- Allow file upload in Add Option page
- Allow encrypting email field if not used as username field (Field encrpytion extension)
- Improved: Connecting with PostgreSQL 12
- Improved: Handle typing date in datetimepicker
- Improved: "Plain" theme with fixed header table
- Improved: Keep uploaded files when insert/update is cancelled
- Fixed: Auto hide page size selector
- Fixed: Drilldown for dropdown filter
- Fixed: dompdf extension font for CPDF
- Fixed: FormData for IE
- Fixed: jQuery file download for Android browser
- Fixed: Update primary key with confirm page
- Fixed: Modal registration confirm page
- Fixed: Reports with Linked Table as source
- Fixed: Report as detail table
- Fixed: Menu with all items as Navbar items
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.0.1 (include fixed margin left on sidebar collapse without sidebar-mini) and Chart.js
- Many other minor improvements
2019/11/04 v2020.0.6
- Add advanced setting "List page minimum table height (px)"
- Add FormData polyfill (for IE)
- Improved: Show Extended Filter for charts if not showing report
- Improved: CSS styles for User Level Permissions page
- Improved: Skip "No record found" message for Grid page
- Fixed: Lazy loading images for modal View page
- Fixed: Use input with type="text" for TEXTAREA in Confirm page
- Fixed: Error with Detail grid
- Fixed: Personal Data page
- Fixed: Master/Detail-Add/Edit with Confirm page
- Fixed: "dropdown-toggle" class for delete filter button
- Fixed: Span tag ID for search value 2
- Fixed: Default value for date filter
- Fixed: Column field of date type (Crosstab report)
- Fixed: Import/Lookup permissions
- Fixed: File upload with special characters in file name
- Fixed: Lookup ORDER BY for grouping field
- Fixed: Brand image CSS style
- Fixed: Error when changing some settings in "Tables" grid (UI)
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.0.0 and Chart.js
- Many other minor improvements
2019/10/16 v2020.0.5
- Improved: Treat MySQL TinyInt field as boolean only if set as checkbox
- Fixed: Select options across pages in Modal Lookup
- Fixed: Selected value in AutoSuggest removed on blur
- Fixed: Collapsible Cards in Dashboard report
- Fixed: Crosstab report column field ORDER BY (MSSQL)
- Fixed: AutoFill with updating Dynamic Selection Lists
- Fixed: OverlayScrollars option of FixedHeaderTable extension
- Fixed: Duplicate group values in summary only reports with compact summary footer
- Fixed: Export with Extended Search in report
- Fixed: Startup Script for grid page
- Fixed: Crosstab report year selection
- Fixed: Report grouping field CSS class
- Fixed: NOT LIKE operator with collation
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.0.0-rc.4
- Many other minor improvements
2019/10/02 v2020.0.4
- Improved: Handle page size = 0
- Improved: Allow HTML in Toast message
- Fixed: Lookup cache for Link Table
- Fixed: Lookup filter for dropdown
- Fixed: Detail report in View page
- Fixed: NumericPager not used if Preview extension enabled
- Fixed: Inline update failure not handled correctly
- Fixed: Searching multiple selected values (databases other than MySQL)
- Fixed: Lookup with ORDER BY clause (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: Default search value for reports
- Fixed: Chart in Dashboard report
- Fixed: SELECT tag id in grid
- Fixed: Duplicate primary key error not handled properly
- Fixed: Extra double quote in menu template
- Fixed: userpriv.php shows all table
- Fixed: Lookup permission when adding new user level
- Fixed: Detail table permission checking
- Fixed: $body undefined when using modal dialog (ew.js)
- Fixed: ew.showMessage() function
- Fixed: Error after removing User ID field for table (UI)
- Updated: mobile-detect.js and JsRender/JsViews
- Many other minor improvements
2019/09/16 v2020.0.3
- Add server events to index page
- Allow no grouping fields for summary report
- Fixed: Include shared file in extension
- Fixed: Sort direction icon in userpriv.php
- Fixed: Preview extension with Firefox
- Fixed: Warnings for cancelAnimationFrame and requestAnimationFrame in Chrome
- Fixed: Table name field size in user level permission table
- Fixed: DateTime picker for date formats without seconds
- Fixed: File upload handler not returning MIME type for PDF files
- Updated: AdminLTE 3.0.0-rc.1
- Updated: DateTime picker (Tempus Dominus v5.1.2)
- Many other minor improvements
2019/09/02 v2020.0.2
- Change cookie consent to Toast
- Right click and repeat selected code for all fields in Custom Template Editor
- Add GetLinkHtml() method to class ListOption
- Fixed: Lookup fields in registration page
- Fixed: Upload icon for file upload input group
- Fixed: Default language cannot be set
- Fixed: Replace CR+LF by <BR>
- Fixed: Master record page hyperlinks
- Fixed: Default decimal precision for lookup fields
- Fixed: Confirm password Custom Template in registration page
- Fixed: Lookup field with Advanced Search enabled but Extended Search disabled
- Fixed: SendEmail() for plain text email
- Fixed: Set field properties for multiple fields (UI)
- Fixed: Upload and barcode with s3
- Fixed: Support for IE 11
- Updated: CurrentUserIP()
- Updated: Use fa-ellipsis-v for list action button
- Updated: Sample code for Custom Template in code repository
- Many other minor improvements
2019/08/19 v2020.0.1
- Allow update template in trial version
- Move forgot password and register links in login page
- Improved: Detect Azure SQL Server for optimizing SELECT statement
- Improved: Add error handling for CurrentPageID()
- Fixed: Class names for Font Awesome Free
- Fixed: Upload field input group icon
- Fixed: Some code of extensions not generated
- Fixed: Alignment for crosstab summary field
- Fixed: Hidden primary key fields (if not selected for the page)
- Fixed: Maximum call stack size exceeded error during generation
- Fixed: Security for Custom File with Static User Levels
- Fixed: Custom File content with special characters
- Fixed: Search operator LIKE, NOT LIKE, STARTS WITH and ENDS WITH
- Fixed: Multi-Select Lookup field SQL for LIKE and other operators
- Fixed: AutoSuggest not closed after blur
- Fixed: Custom Template not rendered properly
- Fixed: OtherOptions in List page not rendered properly
- Fixed: Class ExportEmail for View page
- Fixed: Lookup field with lookup table filter
- Fixed: Lookup_Selecting server event
- Fixed: Hyperlink prefix/suffix
- Fixed: Function HtmlToText()
- Fixed: et.json
- Replace ScrollingTable extension by FixedHeaderTable extension (for registered users)
- Many other minor improvements
2019/08/06 v2020.0.0
- Requires PHP >= 5.6
- Detail and summary report
- Compact summary report
- Crosstab report
- JavaScript charts by Chart.js
- Drill down reports and charts
- Dashboard Report
- Grouping Intervals for Reports
- Datetime Field Filters for Reports
- Bootstrap Toast
- Load JavaScript asynchronously and Bootstrap Spinner
- IMAGE View Tag supports viewing PDF document
- Show/Hide password
- Input group for file upload
- Modal Login, Registration, Change Password, Password Recovery Dialog
- Composer Package Manager
- New Server Events for Report or Chart
- Import reports from PHP Report Maker project to PHPMaker project
- Bootstrap 4 and AdminLTE 3 updated (with Font Awesome v5 Free)
- Overlay Scrollbars extension (for adding scrollbars to pages with content wider than screen)
- "Lookup" permission for lookup tables
- Allow editing non-autoincrement primary keys
- Always reset password on password recovery for better security
- Encrypt SMTP server username and password
- Skip encrypted password field on removing XSS (allow characters like "&")
- Allow disabling Remove XSS for some fields by server event
- Sanitize internal redirect URL (e.g. changing language ID)
- Allow overriding Custom Template by overriding helper function getTemplate()
- Simplified template and extensions
- Global Config() function to get/set configuration easily
- Support MySQL and PostgreSQL BIT data type (requires PHP >= 7.1.11)
- Support MySQL and PostgreSQL JSON data type as string type
- Generate .htaccess and web.config for URL Rewrite (REST API)
- Allow editing/copying default permissions of User Levels (PHPMaker UI)
- Use global 64-bit Node.js automatically if available (PHPMaker UI)
- Improved Scrolling Table Extension (for registered users)
- FileManager extension updated (using Rich Filemanager, for registered user only)
- JsRender, Moment, jQuery File Upload, TimePicker, dompdf, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated
- Many other minor improvements
2019/05/06 v2019.0.10
- Requires .NET Framework 4.5
- Improved: Use CustomMsg in Add Option page
- Improved: reCAPTCHA extension
- Fixed: Read-only TEXTAREA fields
- Fixed: Master/Detail with the same table
- Fixed: CAPTCHA in Forgot Password page
- Fixed: Detecting MySQL ENUM/SET values with spaces (URL connection)
- Updated: composer.json and Composer-Setup.exe
- Updated: JsRender, jQuery and jQuery Migrate
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2019/04/08 v2019.0.9
- Improved: Disable lookup cache for child fields
- Improved: Handle HTML entities for modal lookup
- Improved: Allow lookup fields in registration page (with User Level Security)
- Improved: Cleaning temp images
- Improved: Saving events for tables
- Improved: Compressing .css file with css-flip enabled
- Fixed: Row_Import server event not fired correctly
- Fixed: File upload field as lookup display field
- Fixed: Modal Lookup with Option Template
- Fixed: Composer error about "PHPMaker" package name
- Fixed: Error when updating old data in User Level Permissions table
- Fixed: z-index of popover and tooltip
- Fixed: Creating folder in remote upload folder (S3)
- Fixed: Error during Master/Detail-Add
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2019/03/06 v2019.0.8
- Improved: Set cursor of target element to "wait" during Ajax lookup
- Fixed: Load page into existing modal dialog
- Fixed: Initiate report filter panel as collapsed (Compatibility project)
- Fixed: CancelUrl for Inline-Add
- Fixed: Upload files in Add Option dialog
- Fixed: z-index for AutoSuggests in Grid-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Error message for import not shown
- Fixed: Modal Lookup with multiple selection
- Updated: JsRender
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2019/02/12 v2019.0.7
- Improved: Clear old error message when opening import dialog
- Improved: Change Lookup::LookupFilter to public
- Improved: Set RowType as ROWTYPE_AGGREGATE for aggregate rows in Preview page
- Improved: Set custom-select width as "auto" in detail grid
- Improved: Allow setting empty value by .fields() plugin's .value() method
- Improved: Update Master/Detail sequences before generation
- Improved: Input group for Auto-Suggest with Add Option
- Improved: HTML-decode field value in Edit page if Remove XSS enabled
- Improved: Allow output in Row_CustomAction
- Fixed: Custom Template with page 0
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List with Auto-Fill
- Fixed: Sort-up icon in Preview page
- Fixed: Scrolling Table extension for Multiple Master/Detail
- Fixed: PHPWord/PhpSpreadsheet extensions for field values in HTML
- Fixed: DOMPDF extension using TCPDF fonts
- Fixed: Send email on Add
- Fixed: Custom Grid-Add/Edit return page
- Fixed: Lookup to own table with different Link Field
- Fixed: Breadcrumb for detail table Add page
- Fixed: CSS styles for for Delete Filter button
- Fixed: Menu item for Custom File with output folder
- Fixed: Checking default values of fields for MySQL 8
- Updated: JsRender
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2019/01/02 v2019.0.6
- Improved: Support "$this" for Lookup Filter
- Improved: Support unicode for extension settings
- Improved: Reset slimScroll height
- Improved: Reset layout height with HTML editor
- Improved: Highlight active menu items
- Improved: Add getExportTag() method for use with ExportOptions
- Improved: Allow URL parameters for return pages
- Improved: Create Language object in API
- Fixed: Linked MSSQL database with schema
- Fixed: Highlight search in List page only
- Fixed: Autoloader not before Global Code
- Fixed: Menu URL with hash
- Fixed: Selected options from Modal Lookup across pages
- Fixed: Save file upload related fields
- Updated: Time picker, JsRender, pGenerator and pStrength
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/12/10 v2019.0.5
- Compatibility with PHP Report Maker 12
- Improved: Api class (REST API)
- Improved: PhpBarcode class (Custom View Tag)
- Improved: Add advanced setting "Multi-column List page grid CSS class"
- Improved: Preview overlay (Preview extension for registered users)
- Fixed: Anonymous access for lookup
- Fixed: Global variable "Conn"
- Fixed: CSS for single column checkbox/radio list
- Fixed: CSS for icon in input group
- Fixed: CSS for password strength bar
- Fixed: CSS for dropdown list clear button
- Fixed: Unnecessarily check field variable name against table variable name
- Fixed: Add Option with Auto-Update value
- Fixed: Lookup_Selecting for detail grid and Add Option
- Fixed: Dropdown list not showing selected options properly
- Fixed: Not checking MSSQL schema for linked databases
- Fixed: Multiple upload fields with non image file and colorbox
- Fixed: Show messages by JavaScript
- Fixed: Scrolling Table for Master/Detail View (Scrolling Table extension for registered users)
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/11/13 v2019.0.4
- Improved: Upload and import multiple files
- Improved: Detect Word/Excel content type for BLOB fields without file name/type fields
- Improved: HTML markup for input groups and preview row
- Improved: Handle accented characters in field names and prevent duplicate field vars
- Improved: Scrolling Table extension
- Improved: Reset layout height better
- Fixed: API using some session variables
- Fixed: Incorrect lookup field display value if display field is also lookup field
- Fixed: AutoSuggest in modal dialog
- Fixed: Wrongly use search values during Add/Edit mode
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List in Grid-Add/Edit mode
- Fixed: Filter for Dynamic Selection List with filter fields
- Fixed: CONCAT operator for SQLite
- Fixed: FileViewer for User ID/Level security and anonymous access
- Fixed: Download non image files with jQuery File Upload
- Fixed: User profile data with special characters not HTML-decoded after retrieving from database
- Fixed: Modal Lookup problem with parent field value containing spaces
- Fixed: Modal Lookup not setting AutoSuggest field correctly
- Fixed: Output file name of ewbarcode.php
- Fixed: Captcha in modal dialog for pages with Multi-Page enabled
- Fixed: Add Option dialog for child field not filling the parent field if already selected
- Fixed: Multiple master table to same detail table
- Fixed: Active menu item not collapsible
- Updated: mobile-detect.js
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/10/03 v2019.0.3
- Improved: HTML markup for input groups with buttons
- Improved: Security for uploading import file
- Improved: Use lookup cache for List pages only
- Improved: Load locale file with different lettercase from language ID
- Improved: Width of .ew-login-box, .ew-forgot-pwd-box, and .ew-change-pwd-box
- Improved: Handle decimal point of font size for non-English systems
- Fixed: VARCHAR(MAX)/NVARCHAR(MAX) data types not detected correctly (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Composer update working directory option
- Fixed: Linked table class not generated properly
- Fixed: function submitAction() not sending action name properly
- Fixed: Constant DELETE_UPLOADED_FILES not generated properly
- Fixed: AutoSuggest/AutoFill fields
- Fixed: "glyphicon-warning-sign" not replaced with Font Awesome icon
- Fixed: Default value of advanced setting "API access time after login"
- Fixed: Lookup fields with multiple selection
- Fixed: API custom actions
- Fixed: Modal lookup field display value not displayed properly
- Fixed: Email field encrypted by "FieldEncryption" extension
- Fixed: Synchronization with linked tables from the same table
- Fixed: Missing CSS class "dropdown-item" for List Options items
- Fixed: Some server events not generated for some pages
- Fixed: API response for Add Option
- Fixed: Modal lookup fields (separator and paging)
- Fixed: "in-valid" CSS class not removed for fields with Date/Time picker
- Fixed: Output ew-js-templates for pages without header/footer
- Fixed: Generate class for non-PHP custom files
- Updated: PhpSpreadsheet version
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/09/03 v2019.0.2
- Improved: Handle Custom File with output folder name not ending with "/"
- Improved: Allow adding Composer packages by User Code as JSON object (previously as JSON string only)
- Improved: Scrolling Table resizes on side menu show/collapse
- Improved: File upload with API
- Improved: Set options with Lookup object
- Fixed: "BETWEEN" operator for searching
- Fixed: Lookup table with "Distinct" enabled
- Fixed: Use thumbnail sizes when resize is disabled
- Fixed: Layout of permission checkboxes in Add page of User Level table
- Fixed: Date time without seconds
- Fixed: No header/footer
- Fixed: AutoFill
- Fixed: Some UI controls has smaller text size when system text size > 100%
- Fixed: "Required" property of field objects
- Fixed: Diabling form in modal dialog on submission
- Fixed: Save profile data to database (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Connection to database with non-default port number (MSSQL)
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/08/13 v2019.0.1
- Improved: Avoid class file name conflicts for table names with suffix same as page ID
- Improved: Use composer -d for network path destination folder
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List in Master/Detail-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Execute() for unspecified database connection
- Fixed: Namespace of exception
- Fixed: "No header/footer" pages
- Fixed: Handling JavaScript in Custom Template
- Fixed: Time picker extension (for registered users)
- Fixed: ReferenceError: i is not defined
- Fixed: JavaScript error for range validation
- Fixed: Page_Importing event not generated properly
- Fixed: Some required pages for unselected table not generated properly
- Fixed: Some code not supported by PHP 5.5
- Fixed: Copy table settings to linked table
- Updated: Bootstrap 4.1.3, mobile-detect.js
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/07/25 v2019.0.0
- Brand-new layout with Bootstrap 4 and AdminLTE 3
- Font Awesome (replaces Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons)
- PHP namespace
- Improve naming conventions
- Use Composer to manage packages
- Support SQLite database
- Import from Excel/CSV
- Cookie Consent and Privacy Page for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Download and delete personal data (GDPR)
- Encrypt field data by php-encryption (GDPR) (registered users only)
- Lookup cache to improve lookup field performance
- Option to encrypt administrator and database user name and password by php-encryption
- Manage user level permissions (partially) by non-admin users (Dynamic User Levels)
- Improve XSS handling by HTML Purifier
- Paging for Grid-Edit
- Return page option for Grid-Add/Edit
- Server Events for Add Option page and Grid page
- Optimize synchronizing linked tables with URL connection
- Show aggregate and detail record count in Master/Detail-View page
- Check table and field variable names in UI
- Support modal links for Preview extension (registered users only)
- Date/Time format without seconds
- Short time format (AM/PM) for TimePicker extension (registered users only)
- Option to set the mailer property of PHPMailer
- Option to set database time zone
- Support email address with name like "John Smith<johnsmith@company.com>" (for Email_Sending server event)
- PHPMailer 6
- JsRender, Moment, jQuery File Upload, Timepicker, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated
- mobile_detect.php and mobile-detect.js updated
- PHPSpreadsheet (replaces PHPExcel) and PHPWord updated (registered users only)
- Always use Microsoft PHP Driver for SQL Server (COM driver no longer supported)
- Always use mysqli (old mysql extension no longer supported)
- Many other minor improvements
2018/04/09 v2018.0.8
- Improved: Prevent repeated submission of Modal dialogs
- Fixed: Lookup field as hyperlink field
- Fixed: Saving server side filters without checking Profile field
- Fixed: Upload filename included in Grid-Add/Edit template row
- Fixed: Colors for Export to PDF (plain theme)
- Fixed: Export to HTML for reports
- Fixed: MySQL CONCAT with null field values
- Fixed: Class GD for PHP 7.2
- Fixed: DateTime picker returning localized value
- Fixed: No header/footer
- Fixed: Synchronizing deleted linked tables
- Fixed: Captcha extension
- Fixed: Debugoutput for PHPMailer
- Updated: PHPMailer 6.0.5
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2018/02/07 v2018.0.7
- Always use placeholder for login/changepwd/forgotpwd pages
- Change EW_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_PATH from constant to variable
- Remove obsolete login options
- Fixed: SELECT DISTINCT for Lookup, Modal Lookup or Auto-Suggest fields (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Data truncated when concatenating lookup display fields (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Custom Template with list options in List Page
- Fixed: MSSQL native driver flaw for retrieving the last insert ID
- Fixed: Switching to Add/Edit page from View page in Modal dialog
- Fixed: Database_Connected server events in db helper
- Fixed: Validation with Auto-Suggest
- Fixed: Sorting pages in Multi-page
- Fixed: Image loading in Preview page
- Updated: PHPMailer 6.0.3, PHPWord, Mobile_Detect and Moment
- System requirements updated to PHP >= 5.5 (required by PHPMailer 6 and reCaptcha)
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/12/21 v2018.0.6
- Support Database_Connecting/Connected server events in db helper
- Add "orientation" setting for PHPWord extension
- Allow crosstab query in MS Access databases
- Improved: Initialization of Modal Lookup fields
- Fixed: Selected value not showing properly in Modal Lookup
- Fixed: Error on double clicking Modal Lookup button
- Fixed: Error with AutoFill in detail table
- Fixed: Error with table without primary key
- Fixed: Scrollable Table with Inline-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Field Visibility extension on Add/Edit (List page)
- Fixed: Unicode characters in display values for searchable lookup fields (List page)
- Fixed: Encrypted file path
- Fixed: PHPExcel table level settings for reports
- Updated: JSRender 0.9.90, dompdf 0.8.2, PHPMailer 5.2.26
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/11/20 v2018.0.5
- Add Auto-Login failure message (requires updating language file)
- Unify save button caption (requires updating language file)
- Fixed: Add button in Master/Detail View
- Fixed: Auto-Suggest with Option Template
- Fixed: Float field as unique index not checked properly
- Fixed: Record count for Custom View
- Fixed: DateTime picker with short year format
- Fixed: DateTime picker year selection white-space style in Extended Search
- Fixed: Modal Lookup page size
- Fixed: Duplicate display values of Modal Lookup field under some cases
- Fixed: CSS classes for detail pages as accordion
- Fixed: "relatedid" attribute not generated correctly in project .xml config file for compatibility
- Allow Link Tables in MS Access databases
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/10/23 v2018.0.4
- Improved: IsExport() function
- Improved: Increase maximum length of extension settings
- Improved: Remove user ID and password in debug message for native MSSQL driver
- Fixed: Extended search on virtual lookup field
- Fixed: Record count not shown in list page if number of records < records per page
- Fixed: AutoSuggest with Custom Template
- Fixed: FileManager extension with output filename prefix/suffix
- Updated: AdminLTE 2.4.2
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/09/27 v2018.0.3
- Improved: Avoid deleting newly saved upload file
- Improved: Allow uploading mp4/mp3 files and support preview with HTML 5 video/audio tags
- Fixed: Error with ORDER BY clause when getting record count (MSSQL)
- Fixed: Error with script tag in Custom Template
- Fixed: HTML markup of Search/Register page for "Use tabular form for desktop"
- Fixed: Modal lookup with page size smaller than number of selected values
- Fixed: Sorting order icon after searching in userpriv.php
- Fixed: System administrator not checked correctly in cUserProfile class
- Fixed: Extra CSS class name for "Form left column CSS class"
- Fixed: Not highlighting search results for some fields
- Fixed: Modal dialog not closed
- Fixed: Label of menu item not shown for menu headers
- Updated: JsRender 0.9.88
- Updated: AdminLTE 2.4.0
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/08/21 v2018.0.2
- Improved: Scrolling Table extension supports Grid-Add/Edit
- Improved: Setting field object ReadOnly property with Row_Selected() server event
- Improved: Allow setting connectionInfo with Database_Connecting event for mssqlnative driver
- Improved: Profile(), LoginStatus() and CurrentUserInfo() functions
- Improved: Backward compatibility for ResizeAndSaveToFile()
- Improved: Modal dialog won't return to parent page or List page
- Improved: Allow empty string (not NULL) as part of composite key
- Fixed: Menu text for non-utf8 project
- Fixed: DateTime picker text color in selected row
- Fixed: Modal lookup with multiple selection
- Fixed: DOMPDF extension TCPDF adapter page sizes
- Fixed: Extra path delimiter in paths
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/08/07 v2018.0.1
- Allow echo in Menu_Rendering/Rendered events
- Allow text for Site Logo and check image file name better
- Add ListOptions_Rendering server event
- Add properties/methods to cField class for cell class
- Add "Reset layout height" advanced setting
- Add "Title" (Site Title) option for advanced setting "Page title style"
- Allow hyperlink for parent menu items
- Lazy loading of images
- Improved: ew_ExecuteJson() function
- Improved: Scrolling Table extension allows width/height in %
- Improved: Row_Selected() server event
- Improved: DateTimePicker extension allows debug mode
- Fixed: ew_SendEmail() function
- Fixed: Upload path for S3
- Fixed: Preview extension
- Fixed: Mouseover dropdown menu for Horizontal Menu extension
- Fixed: *.js/*.css file name letter case
- Fixed: Modal lookup with multiple selection
- Fixed: Menu with absolute URL
- Fixed: Highlighting search keywords in List page
- Fixed: Edit page shows pager in debug mode
- Fixed: Some issues with mssqlnative driver
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/7/25 v2018.0.0
- Brand-New Layout with AdminLTE
- Google Sign-In and Facebook Login
- Search and Sort in User Level Permission Setup Page
- Custom Edit Tags
- Google Maps - MarkerClusterer
- AutoSuggest with "More"
- New DateTime Picker (replaces JsCalendar)
- Project Versioning
- Auto-Render Template
- Icon for Menu Items
- Form left column CSS class
- New server events: Page_Foot, Ldap_Validated and Menu_Rendered
- Export-to-JSON for use with Ajax
- Upload by PUT
- Upload folder supports Amazon S3 buckets
- Generate Password / Password Strength for non user tables
- F9 and Ctrl+F9 shortcuts for generation
- Search box for advanced settings
- More field properties for Multiple Field Update
- PHP built-in web server as testing server
- New "dbvalue" tag for Custom Template
- Option to minify all uncompressed .js in the project
- Option to use PHP password hashing functions
- Advanced settings for Node.js
- Advanced settings for file upload path
- dompdf 0.8.0
- PHPMailer 5.2.23
- jQuery 3.2.1 and jQuery Migrate
- jQuery file download
- Font Awesome
- JsRender, Moment, Colorbox, jQuery File Upload, Timepicker, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated
- mobile_detect.php and mobile-detect.js updated
- Preview extension supports paging and sorting (registered users only)
- PHPExcel and PHPWord updated (registered users only)
- Use Microsoft PHP Driver for SQL Server (EXPERIMENTAL only)
- Many other minor improvements
2017/03/02 v2017.0.7
- Add advanced settings for auto-hiding page size selector
- Increase number of recent project files to 10
- Improved: Hide grid upper/lower panel if empty
- Improved: Load tables dynamically
- Improved: Call User_Validated even if user not found
- Improved: Load default settings for TIME fields
- Fixed: Prefix/infix/suffix generated for Custom View Tag files
- Fixed: Email address not URL-encoded in PrepareRegisterEmail()
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection Lists in Master-Add/Edit page if master field not selected in List page
- Fixed: Modal Lookup with parent field in master table
- Fixed: Generation error if generating List/View page only
- Fixed: Page labels with HTML tags
- Fixed: Popup error does not show while in modal dialog
- Fixed: AddBlankRow when Grid-Edit with no records
- Fixed: Not always include ewpdf.css when exporting to PDF
- Fixed: AutoSuggest fields not checked for "Required"
- Fixed: Audit Trail for Cascade Delete
- Updated: ar.json
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
2017/01/09 v2017.0.6
- Compatible with PHP Report Maker 10
- Get correct record count for modal lookup
- Update DBHost after synchronization with MSSQL
- Support callback function for successful row custom action
- Remove white spaces after Custom Template
- Support MSSQL bit field as boolean field
- Updated: PHPMailer 5.2.21
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/12/14 v2017.0.5
- Fixed: Disabled "save filter" button still clickable
- Fixed: Empty DBHost value for Microsoft SQL Server
- Fixed: Action not reset for Edit page on failure (CAPTCHA extension)
- Fixed: Incorrect tab style for multiple detail tables
- Fixed: Incorrect language file generated for non-English locale
- Fixed: TblLoaded property not set properly
- Fixed: dbid not set correctly for modal lookup
- Improved: Synchronization speed
- Trigger click event on clearing dropdown list
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/11/14 v2017.0.4
- Fixed: Not updating integer values with thousand separator correctly
- Fixed: ReCaptcha enabled incorrectly
- Fixed: Cannot create/migrate tables for Dynamic User Levels (MSSQL with schema <> "dbo")
- Fixed: Cannot delete the first new row in Grid-Add/Edit
- Improved: Validate $_GET/$_POST values for numeric fields
- Improved: Support dbid (string) for ew_Execute*()
- Improved: Add language files for tinyMCE extension
- Updated: Mobile Detect, JsRender, Moment
- Add/Delete server side search filters by Ajax
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/10/5 v2017.0.3
- Fixed: Modal dialog with client events
- Fixed: Error CSS class not always reset for dropdown radio buttons or checkbox list
- Fixed: AutoSuggest not showing all options in some cases
- Fixed: Save Current Filter with IS/IS NOT NULL
- Fixed: Multiple Master/Detail with same field names in detail tables
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Support AutoSuggest with Modal Lookup
- Support AutoSuggest for User ID fields
- ADOdb updated to 5.20.6 with PostgreSQL BLOB fields fixed
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/9/15 v2017.0.2
- Fixed: Password generator and strength not working in modal dialog
- Fixed: Pager not showing in modal dialog for lookup with ORDER BY clause (SQL Server)
- Fixed: CSS cannot be compiled with non-English font name
- Fixed: Custom display value separators ignored by RADIO and CHECKBOX Edit Tags
- Fixed: New extension advanced settings not saved
- Fixed: Multi-Language User Values not loaded properly in Multi-Language Property Editor
- Fixed: FieldVisibility extension with array setting for PHP 5.3
- Improved: Reset "Multiple" property for non-string type field
- Show progress at taskbar button
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/8/23 v2017.0.1
- Improved: Show error message if uploaded file cannot be saved
- Improved: Consider date/time separators in Quick Search with date/time fields
- Improved: Allow to open project with invalid connection info
- Improved: Update report source if source table is renamed during synchronization
- Improved: Fire User_Validated server event for custom user validation
- Fixed: Modal Lookup with "Text input for search" enabled
- Fixed: Wrong lookup display fields in Multi-Language project
- Fixed: Field order not saved properly
- Fixed: Master/Detail order not saved properly
- Fixed: Not allowing empty site logo setting
- Fixed: "No header/footer" option ignored
- Fixed: Menu items not properly saved
- Fixed: Not returning all fields from MSSQL in some cases
- Fixed: Error on drag-and-drop in Field Setup page
- Fixed: Incorrect fields shown aftering adding new table and synchronization
- Fixed: Errors with function ew_FormatDateTime()
- Fixed: JavaScript error with scrollable table
- Fixed: Field Visibility extension with PHP 5.3 or with "complex" condition
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection Lists wtih parent field in master table
- Fixed: Locale file for language "ar"
- Fixed: Schema ignored for PostgreSQL
- Use test keys for reCAPTCHA
- Remove dependency on Visual C++ Redistributable
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/7/25 v2017.0.0
- Modal View/Edit/Update/Add/Copy in List page
- Modal dialog to search and select from lookup table
- Locale files for 70 languages
- Locale settings with date/time separators and date format by language
- Faster loading/unloading of large projects
- Faster script generation
- Node.js as script engine (remove dependency on Windows Script and Visual Basic)
- Field Visibility extension (registered users only)
- Auto Update to latest template (registered users only)
- View/Edit/Add/Copy/Delete links in detail table of Master/Detail View
- Support Add page for tables without primary key
- Option to enable/disable fields for sorting
- Option to save search filter in database
- Option to hide pager if single page only
- Option to show/hide breadcrumbs or show as page title
- Handle client side events in Add Blank Row
- Simple Windows/LDAP Authentication
- New User Code with events for system functions
- Preserve spacing for Custom Files
- Handle Session Keep Alive and Session Timeout when security disabled
- Disable "Password Strength" and "Generate Password" options in Search page
- dompdf 0.7.0
- ADOdb 5.20.4
- PHPMailer 5.2.16
- jQuery, JsRender, Moment, Colorbox, typeahead.js, jQuery File Upload, Timepicker updated
- CKEditor and TinyMCE updated
- PHPExcel and PHPWord updated (registered users only)
- mobile_detect.php and mobile-detect.js updated
- Supports SASS (replaces LESS)
- Many other minor improvements
2016/3/21 v12.0.7
- Fixed: Anonymous access with User Level Security disabled
- Fixed: Add Blank Row with DHTML editor
- Fixed: Proper handling if Row_Deleting server event returns false
- Fixed: No color in file upload progress bar
- Fixed: Oracle CLOB/BLOB fields with related file fields
- Fixed: Avoid infinit loop if Start Page = List page with querystring parameters
- Fixed: CKEditor create/save event name not consistent with TinyMCE
- Fixed: Text field with IMAGE View Tag and [Encrypt File Path] option enabled
- Improved: Detect Oracle instant client better
- Improved: Set BODY tag dir attribute based on language ID (for Multi-Language project)
- Improved: Upload file name extension checking
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2016/1/19 v12.0.6
- Fixed: Copy table settings for Linked Tables
- Fixed: Lookup tables of different database type in Linked Tables
- Fixed: Not hiding List Actions in Grid Add
- Fixed: Dropdown buttons disabled after exporting selected records
- Improved: Add file name in header when "Encrypt file path" enabled
- Improved: Check Anonymous user level once only
- Improved: Add table border by inline styles for Gmail when Export-to-Email
- Improved: Allow longer domain name when checking email address
- Improved: Support more MIME types
- Improved: Show URL in "No Permission" message
- Updated: jQuery, JsRender, Mobile Detect
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/12/09 v12.0.5
- Compatibility with PHP Report Maker 9
- Fixed: Creating Custom Files without the "Include Common Files" option
- Fixed: Auto-fill not working with SELECT Edit Tag and Use DropDown
- Fixed: SelectLimt for MSSQL
- Fixed: Tooltip for image field
- Fixed: User ID field not selected in Add/Edit pages
- Fixed: Master/Detail-Add URL set up incorrectly
- Fixed: Grid Insert/Update for master table with multiple detail tables
- Fixed: Password strength checking in Grid/Inline-Add/Edit pages
- Fixed: PHPExel, Barcode and ReCaptcha for PHP 7
- Updated: PHPMailer
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/11/09 v12.0.4
- Supports PHP 7
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection Lists in Master/Detail-Edit
- Fixed: SELECT statement generated incorrectly if Custom Fields not selected
- Fixed: Crashes when altering views in some cases
- Fixed: Table schema not considered in Add Linked Table form
- Fixed: PostgreSQL boolean field as Activated Field
- Fixed: Non-admin user not properly checked when adding user record
- Fixed: Microsoft Access database path not built correctly if the path contains parent path
- Fixed: Required field not validated correctly if "Use Dropdown" enabled
- Fixed: ADOdb error message not displayed correctly (MSSQL)
- Improved: Prevents output in server events breaks JSON output of ewlookup.php
- Improved: Better performance in cleaning up upload temp folders
- Improved: Check if PHP COM extension installed (MSSQL and MS Access)
- Improved: Reload user level permission on change (Dynamic User Level Security)
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/09/22 v12.0.3
- Fixed: Auto-Fill not working in multiple master/detail
- Fixed: Incorrect fields for registration email
- Fixed: Incorrect Add link for preview
- Fixed: Multi-Language Property Editor not showing Linked Tables
- Fixed: JavaScript error in View page printer friendly version
- Fixed: Dropdown selection list (RADIO/CHECKBOX) not showing in browsers for iOS
- Fixed: Multiple selection (SELECT MULTIPLE and CHECKBOX) not loaded properly
- Fixed: JavaScript error in Multi-Page pager
- Fixed: "$" not escsped in connection info
- Fixed: Add Option for AutoSuggest field with Option Template
- Fixed: Wrong file name of dompdf_config.inc.php if output file name prefix/suffix enabled (PDF extension)
- Improved: Handle hidden file upload fields
- Improved: Handle hidden fields in Custom Template
- Improved: Show read-only file upload fields with colorbox
- Improved: Session does not timeout if auto-login
- Improved: Allow synchronous Ajax requests for lookup fields
- Updated: JsRender, moment.js and Colorbox
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/08/24 v12.0.2
- Fixed: Incorrect User Values for User Level field
- Fixed: Incorrect letter case of User Level table/field names after creating tables (PostgreSQL only)
- Fixed: Incorrect redirection if user has no permission to access the Start Page
- Fixed: JavaScript error of Multi-page in Advanced Search modal dialog (Chrome only)
- Fixed: Local Storage Filters not working if only Advanced Search enabled
- Fixed: Incorrect image preview path in file manager (FCKEditorFileManager extension)
- Fixed: JsCalendar "calendar" event handler cannot be attached by Client Script
- Improved: Support "Allow Add" in detail table (Master/Detail-Add/Edit)
- Improved: Allow users of Administrator User Level to use the new actions for user profile
- Improved: Advanced setting to allow searching keywords in all selected fields (Quick Search)
- Improved: Prevent saving detail records for master record not belonged to user
- Updated: JsRender
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/08/04 v12.0.1
- Fixed: Generation error for ewp12.js on some machines
- Fixed: Forgot password with MD5 password
- Fixed: AutoSuggest error in Grid-Add/Edit on form submission
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection Lists in Grid/Inline/Master-Add/Edit
- Fixed: New option not properly selected after adding a new option to lookup field
- Fixed: Upload file path error if application root <> destination folder
- Fixed: Security for hard-coded admin only
- Fixed: Show Audit Trail table properly in UI after creating Audit Trail table
- Fixed: Audit Trail not working if *info.php of Audit Trail table not selected to generate
- Fixed: Incorrect ewscrolltable.min.js (Scrolling Table extension)
- Fixed: Automatic language code for reCAPTCHA (Captcha extension)
- Fixed: Oracle BLOB fields cleared when updating other fields
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/07/20 v12.0.0
- Linked Tables from Multiple Databases
- Custom Fields
- Optional Tabular Form for Desktop Mode
- Dropdown Selection Lists
- Option Template for Dropdown Selection Lists
- Improved AutoSuggest with Option Template, min-width and max-height settings.
- Session Keep Alive and Session Timeout
- Anonymous User Level
- New Actions to Manage User Profile (for Administrators)
- Password Generator and Password Strength Meter
- Improved Multi-Page
- Simplified Client Side Events and "fields" jQuery Plugin
- Multi-Update of Field Settings
- Import/Export of Theme Settings
- Import/Export Feature of Multi-Language Property Editor
- Dynamic Selection Lists in Master/Detail-Add/Edit
- Cancel button with confirm dialog
- Local Storage of Search Criteria
- Cancel Button for Add/Edit/Delete/Update Pages
- New Language Selection Buttons as button group with tooltip.
- Language_Load and AuditTrail_Inserting server event
- Option to encrypt file path
- Option to add plain text version in HTML email
- Use mysqli extension by default
- Image Resize functionality (does not require Image Resize extension anymore)
- Multi-Language support for email template
- Lookup always by ajax ("Use Ajax" setting removed)
- Improved Custom Actions
- DetailPages property for showing and hiding detail table tabs by server event
- Password change by user (for md5 password) as password recovery
- Custom Attributes as PHP array
- SelectLimit() for MSSQL >= 2005
- Global array for passing server side values to client side
- "addoption" and "newoption" client side event for lookup fields (supports both lookup fields with lookup table or user values)
- JavaScript alerts replaced by Modal dialog
- jQuery, JsRender, jQuery File Upload updated
- TinyMCE and CKEditor extensions (for registered users only) updated with latest versions
- Multi-Language support for reCAPTCHA, JsCalendar, TinyMCE and CKEditor
- QRCode/BarCode Custom View Tags combined (Flash Files Custom View Tag removed)
- A new built-in "plain" theme
- PHPMailer updated
- Setting PHPMailer properties in Email_Sending server event
- mobile_detect.php updated and mobile-detect.js adopted
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- UTF-8 output files if project charset is utf-8
- Option to add indentation to XML nodes in the project file
- Many other minor improvements
2015/03/30 v11.0.6
- Fixed: Export to email failure for View page with no paging section
- Fixed: Incorrect tooltip for master table in detail table's List page
- Fixed: Generation error when generating master View page only
- Fixed: Disallow all file types if no file type is entered for upload field
- Fixed: Incorrect image src if application root not same as destination folder
- Improved: Allow using the client side "create" event to change the configurations (CKEditor/TinyMCE extensions)
- Improved: New row type (EW_ROWTYPE_HEADER) for List page header (for use with ListOptions_Rendered server event)
- Improved: Speed of synchronization
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Updated: jQuery 1.11.2
- Updated: JsRender
- Event editor auto-completion disabled (unless pressing Ctrl+Space)
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2015/01/07 v11.0.5
- Fixed: Scrollbar for main table appeared with button dropdown due to Bootstrap 3.3.1
- Fixed: Hang during generation if Access database file not found and Dynamic User Level security enabled
- Fixed: Required field validation for DHTML editor
- Fixed: Checking for maximum number of upload files
- Fixed: Incorrect position for Export Options for Master/Detail page
- Fixed: Detail report column hidden if Preview extension enabled
- Fixed: Export selected records to email for Custom Template
- Improved: File upload thumbnail width/height as advanced settings
- Improved: Colorbox for file upload thumbnails
- Improved: Hide hyperlink if TooltipValue is empty
- Improved: Completion list (Ctrl+Space) for Custom Template
- Improved: Export-to-Email supports QRCode/Barcode Custom View Tags
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/12/02 v11.0.4
- Fixed: Cascade Update with more than one foreign key fields
- Fixed: Display images for SQL Server binary fields
- Fixed: Custom Files at application root (output folder is empty) when application root not same as destination folder
- Fixed: Error in spell check (CKEditor extension)
- Fixed: TCPDF export problem (DOMPDF extension)
- Fixed: Preview overlay not displayed next to the detail button group in multi-column List page (Preview extension)
- Fixed: Button height not some as input in IE (JSCalendar/TimePicker extensions)
- Fixed: Duplicate dropdown menu items in View page
- Improved: Add settings for paper size and orientation (PHPExcel extension)
- Improved: Support Page_Loading/Page_Rendering/Page_Unloaded server events in Custom Files
- Improved: Handle Heredoc and Nowdoc in server events
- Improved: Remove icon base for google map so user icons can be specifed
- Improved: Handle bitmap images (*.bmp) during export
- Improved: Support validation for password fields
- Improved: Add DATAMATRIX support for PHP Barcode (Custom View Tag)
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.1
- Updated: Colorbox 1.5.14
- Updated: mobile_detect.php and ew_UserAgent()
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/10/03 v11.0.3
- Support exporting QRCode/BarCode as images (PHPExcel/PHPWord/PDF/Email only)
- Add Advanced Setting "Check token for form post"
- Add getter/setter for SqlXXX() in table class
- Improved: Oracle client detection
- Improved: Support SELECT LIMIT for Oracle
- Improved: Adjust page footer properly for desktop
- Improved: Add "for" attribute to label
- Improved: Check Advanced Security in FCKEditorFileManager extension
- Improved: Support submitting the modal Add Option dialog and Advanced Search dialog by pressing Enter
- Improved: Add timer to avoid single google maps OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error
- Fixed: Incorrect records loaded during Grid-Edit if default search values specified
- Fixed: AutoFill not working in Master/Detail-Edit
- Fixed: Custom File with output folder specified
- Fixed: Mobile menu not hidden on print
- Fixed: Textarea content not HTML-encoded
- Fixed: Old upload file deleted if both CreateUploadFileOnCopy and DeleteUploadedFile options enabled
- Fixed: Charset not properly set up in database helper for Oracle
- Fixed: Detail columns not hidden properly for PreviewRow (Preview extension)
- Fixed: AutoSuggest blur event clearing the new value added by Add Option
- Fixed: Incorrect user table name for MSSQL when saving user profile to database
- Updated: JsRender, typeahead.js, and mobile_detect.php
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/08/11 v11.0.2
- Improved: Add Visible property to cBreadcrumb class
- Improved: Allow custom connection info for database helper
- Improved: Align foreign key fields in Add/Edit page
- Improved: Set up default theme/css settings for new project
- Improved: Detect compound trigger in Oracle for autoincrement field
- Fixed: Hide Search options during Inline-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Preview extension - "Add" link for detail table with no record
- Fixed: Missing alternating row color for PDF export
- Fixed: Incorrect text for Export to Word link
- Fixed: Missing placeholder for password fields
- Fixed: Not showing new fields in database pane after synchronizing table/view
- Fixed: Hidden fields not auto-filled
- Fixed: Incorrect URL for Custom File in index page
- Updated: JsRender and Colorbox
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/07/23 v11.0.1
- Add right click menu in code editor
- Improved: Support no header/footer in Custom Files
- Improved: Show required indicators for field captions in Custom Template
- Improved: Use colorbox.min.js instead of colorbox.js
- Fixed: Missing brand in Horizontal Menu
- Fixed: Unable to click Home/User icon in Chrome
- Fixed: Auto fill with two or more than parent fields
- Fixed: Export wrong records if search with default values
- Fixed: Advanced search for auto suggest fields
- Fixed: Show All button not showing if only Advanced Search enabled
- Fixed: Preview with date key fields
- Fixed: Multi-Page Custom Template displayed incorrectly
- Fixed: Missing viewport meta tag if project styles disabled
- Fixed: Hard code admin only project settings reset
- Updated: JsRender
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/07/09 v11.0.0
- Responsive Layout with Bootstrap 3
- Optional Advanced Search form by Modal dialog
- AutoSuggest by typeahead.js
- Responsive table for main table in List page
- Horizontal Form in Add/Edit/Update/Search/Register/Login page
- Layout by grid system
- Toolbar with breadcrumbs, export options, search options and language selection list (if multi-language) in one row
- Vector icons with Tooltip
- Enhanced Bootstrap Dropdown as vertical menu with submenu on mouseover
- Enhanced Bootstrap Navbar as horizontal menu with submenu on mouseover (for registered users only)
- Enhanced Quick Search supporting "OR" operator and double quoted phrase for "Exact Match". Dropdown search options.
- Improved Detail Preview Extension with Add/Copy/Edit/Delete/View links for detail records in the preview page (for registered users only)
- Colorbox supporting displaying images for the multiple upload fields as groups
- Timepicker Extension (for registered users only) for Time fields
- PHPWord Extension (for registered users only) for exporting data in native Word 2007 (.docx) format
- Export to Excel/Word/PDF/Email by Custom Template
- Improved Google Maps (Custom View Tags) supporting showing multiple markers (from records in the page) in one single map
- Custom Files
- More Server Events (Grid_Inserting/Inserted, Grid_Updating/Updated, Page_Exporting/Exported, and Row_Export)
- Database helper for including in current or other project for simple access to the database and retrieving data
- Oracle charset/sort settings for setting Oracle's NLS_COMP/NLS_SORT parameter
- Auto-fill original value setting Auto-Fill by original (database) value instead of looked up value
- Option to use button dropdown instead of button group to save more spaces for data in mobile mode
- jQuery updated (jQuery Mobile removed)
- jQuery File Upload updated
- JsRender updated
- TinyMCE and CKEditor extensions (for registered users only) updated with latest versions (FCKEditor extension not provided any more)
- DOMPDF extension updated
- mobile_detect.php updated
- PHPExcel extension (for registered users only) updated
- Scrollable Table (for registered users only) uses 100% width in mobile mode
- Add Option form and Email form as Modal dialog
- Multi-Column page by grid system
- Allows more than one sessions for Disallow Concurrent Login
- Supports using $Security->CanXXX() for projects without User Level Security enabled
- Supports global and field specific client/server side validation of file extension, file size, and max. number of files (if multiple upload)
- Synchronizer token for forms with method="post"
- Support user password in phpass format (encrypted by third-party systems)
- Improved code editor
- UI supports >100% Windows system text size
- Many other minor improvements
2014/03/17 v10.0.5
- Improved: Do not show IMG tag for non-image files
- Improved: Skip update if the input is not changed for auto-suggest
- Improved: Use <h4> font for site title
- Improved: Skip require validation for upload file field if not changed
- Improved: Skip loading upload file content if not changed
- Improved: Error handling for delete temp image folders
- Improved: Get record count for tables with schema
- Fixed: Handle Master/Detail relationship key changes properly
- Fixed: Breadcrumb in List/View page with export
- Fixed: Breadcrumb for Master/Detail displayed incorrectly after Add Option
- Fixed: Display page zero form elements correctly for Multi-Page with Custom Template
- Fixed: Do not skip empty selection list for Ajax
- Updated: jQuery and JsRender
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2014/01/23 v10.0.4
- Support new Email SendAttachment method
- Updated: JsRender
- Improved: DO NOT use the phrase stored by Multi-Language Editor if multi-Language is not enabled
- Improved: DO NOT reset field default after syncrhonization if field data type is changed to a compatible type (i.e. Int to BigInt)
- Improved: Hide delete button for upload field in add/edit confirm page
- Improved: Improve detection of Jpeg image in ew_ContentType
- Improved: Use css for aggregate caption
- Improved: html encode login page user name and placeholder
- Improved: Save google map object for later retrieval
- Improved: Better handling of invalid file name (PHPExcel extension)
- Improved: Improve performance for auto-suggest
- Fixed: Set up AppCompatVersion correctly for compatibility project
- Fixed: Handle preview row correctly if UseButtonDropDown is enabled (Preview extension)
- Fixed: Handle inline add/edit correctly for float/single/double/currency fields with non-english locale setting
- Fixed: Display multi-language lookup data correctly during export
- Fixed: Clear search form for auto-suggest field
- Fixed: Avoid IE browser cache during file upload
- Fixed: Handle file upload field with file path
- Fixed: Do not display "Add Blank Row" during grid add/edit if Add is disabled for table
- Fixed: Handle dynamic selection in search page without parent field properly
- Fixed: Handle popup calendar time field without seconds (JSCalendar extension)
- Fixed: Multi page custom template with page zero fields
- Fixed: Converting MSSQL project schema
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
2013/12/02 v10.0.3
- Support database schema for PostgreSQL and MSSQL
- Support Oracle client (without Oracle OLEDB provider) and Oracle Timestamp field
- Fixed: Old files not deleted after deleting a record (Multiple File Upload only)
- Fixed: PHPBarCode extension not showing the text under barcode
- Fixed: Search panel not auto-expand when "IS (NOT )NULL" is selected
- Fixed: File upload fields in detail table not displayed properly in Master/Detail-View
- Fixed: Field in detail table properly if the detail table is user table
- Fixed: AutoSuggest not working properly if triggered by onblur
- Fixed: User Values saved wrongly to the other table
- Fixed: "File system encoding" setting not used
- Fixed: Preview overlay not shown if button dropdown is used
- Updated: JsRender and Mobile Detect
- QuickUploadPath and QuickUploadAbsolutePath in FileManager extension now points to subfolders in "UserFilesPath"
- Add "UseCaptchaInLoginPage" option for Captcha extension (use project without Advanced Security)
- Use style instead of width/height attribute to specify image sizes
- x-ua-compatible meta tag added for IE
- Compatible with PHP Report Maker 7
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
2013/10/15 v10.0.2
- Improved: Encrypt user table password field during Audit Trail
- Improved: Advanced Setting to log User ID or User Name during Audit Trail
- Improved: Not show connection string (MSAccess/MSSQL) on connection error
- Improved: Handle MSSQL numeric/decimal field values by converting to float
- Improved: Hide file upload field buttons if set as ReadOnly/Disabled by server event
- Improved: Recognize custom menu items with URL for the same page but different query string
- Improved: Override Bootstrap responsive images
- Fixed: Wrong content type for .docx/.xlsx/.pptx files
- Fixed: Check Duplicate in Multi-Update page
- Fixed: Wrong detection of empty row during Grid-Add
- Fixed: Auto-Suggest field (with "Allow Sort/Search" enabled) cannot be searched
- Fixed: "Allow Sort/Search" for Oracle
- Fixed: Auto-Fill not filling fields with DHTML Editor
- Fixed: Client side arguments for custom validation functions
- Fixed: Table caption in Breadcrumb not changed after switching language (Multi-Language)
- Fixed: Custom Template with field names containing spaces
- Fixed: Compatible project's
.xml file not properly loaded
- Fixed: Mobile menu item without URL not working properly in Opera/IE
- Fixed: Checkbox column not displayed if Multi-Update only with Security disabled
- Fixed: Checkbox column not displayed for Custom Action without Multiple-Delete/Update
- Fixed: Delete button shown in Grid-Edit even with no Delete permission
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List with multiple children fields not all updated on change
- Fixed: Ordering of Master/Detail relationships not saved after change
- Fixed: Cannot copy field settings for fields with different names
- Updated: JsRender, PHPMailer and Mobile Detect
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
2013/08/06 v10.0.1
- Smaller buttons for NextPrev pager
- Hide export options during Inline-Add/Edit
- Meta tag for mobile viewport
- CSS styles (ew.less) fine-tuned
- Improved: Referential Integrity (with Cascade Delete disabled)
- Improved: CAPTCHA image alignment
- Improved: Preview Extension (Link to List page of detail table added)
- Improved: Menu Group Title and dividers
- Improved: Reflow HTML elements in Search/Update/Register page
- Fixed: Multiple File Upload issues
- Fixed: Export to Email does not export images
- Fixed: Multiple Master/Detail not handling errors properly
- Fixed: Setting CSS class by server event or Custom Attributes does not work
- Fixed: Checkbox column not showing if security not enabled
- Fixed: GD font path does not work on some servers where putenv() not allowed
- Fixed: Button group or button dropdown not displaying properly under some cases
- Fixed: Setting search value by default value or server event not filtering records
- Fixed: TEXTAREA Edit Tag not filled with field value in Edit page
- Fixed: Non-Ajax Dynamic Selection Lists not initiated properly on page load
- Fixed: *.css cannot be compiled on some machines
- Fixed: Sequence number always starts with 1
- Fixed: Tooltip field not showing ViewValue
- Fixed: Missing code repository files
- Updated: jQuery, jQuery Mobile, and JsRender
- Updated: TinyMCE and CKEditor
- Updated: mobile_detect.php
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
2013/07/03 v10.0.0
- Brand-new generated website UI with Bootstrap
- Vertical Menu and Horizontal Menu with Bootstrap
- Enhanced Theme with Bootstrap Variables
- Breadcrumb
- Master/Detail View/Edit/Copy with Multiple Detail Tables
- Referential Integrity, Cascade Delete and Cascade Update
- Different Styles of Links in List Options, Export Options and Paging Section
- Enhanced Detail Preview Extension (for registered users only)
- Multiple File Upload to Folder
- Custom View Tags (Flash Files, Google Maps, Barcode, QR code and YouTube videos)
- LESS - The Dynamic Stylesheet Language
- More Server Events (Lookup_Selecting, Page_Rendering/Render, Row_CustomAction)
- Compress project .css and .js
- User defined default locale settings
- Option to include datenumber.js
- Option to use View Tag number of decimal digits for edit
- Option to replace textarea by text input for search
- Reflow HTML elements for mobile
- Place holder for text box
- YUI replaced by jQuery and Bootstrap components
- Styling by CSS
- Id and CSS classes added to many HTML elements for easier styling by CSS or jQuery
- Paging section in Edit page
- jQuery and jQuery Mobile updated
- JsRender updated
- New stylesheet for JsCalendar to match Bootstrap style
- Sequence number option for List page
- TinyMCE and CKEditor extensions (for registered users only) updated with latest versions (FCKEditor extension not provided any more)
- FileManager for CKEditor extension (for registered users only)
- PHPExcel extension (for registered users only) updated
- Mobile_Detect.php updated
- "Ends With" search operator
- One more font for Captcha extension
- 100% site height
- Password Recovery security improved
- System requirement updated to PHP >= 5.2
- Many other minor improvements
2013/02/04 v9.2.0
- Better detection of mobile devices
- Advanced setting "Use mobile menu" for disabling mobile menu
- Remove unused .js and .css files in yui290 folder
- Disable "Add Blank Row" for Multi-Column List page
- Export all records if "Records per page" = 0
- Link to full size image for image resized fields
- Fixed: Incorrect link for Read Only file upload field in Edit page
- Fixed: Cannot export images when exporting "Selected Records"
- Fixed: "Allow Add" for Anonymous User
- Fixed: Audit trail to table with schema
- Fixed: Cannot clear default search value in Search page
- Fixed: "BETWEEN" search operator not hiding "and/or" radio buttons
- Fixed: Security class AddUserPermission/DeleteUserPermission methods
- Fixed: Image Resize extension not setting uploaded file format
- Fixed: Record not scrolls into view during Inline Edit
- JsRender and jQuery updated
- Other minor improvements and fixes
2012/11/20 v9.1.0
- Menu for mobile devices
- DOMPDF extension updated
- PHPExcel extension (for registered users) updated and support exporting report by PHPExcel
- jQuery always included
- Automatic expand/collapse search panel when "Initiate search panel as collapsed" enabled
- Allow entering display value separator during AutoSuggest
- CSS classes added to hyperlinks for easier selection by CSS selector
- Allow parent field without lookup table (Dynamic Selection List)
- Not show tooltip if the field value or the tooltip value is empty
- Export to email (send as "HTML") with embedded images (requires Image Resize extension)
- Allow time input without seconds (client/server side validation)
- Add DisplayValueSeparator and Exportable property for field object (for use with server event)
- Allow using CurrentUserInfo() without User ID Security enabled (for use with server event)
- Add AddUserLevelID() and DeleteUserLevelID() for Security object (for use with server event)
- Fixed: AutoUpdate fields visible in Grid-Add/Edit
- Fixed: setPhrase() method of Language object when "Use DOM XML for Language object" enabled
- Fixed: Binary data trimmed
- Fixed: Master record not cleared when using "showmaster=" URL parameter
- Fixed: Non utf-8 characters not recognized by Excel after export
- Fixed: AutoSuggest not work properly in Add Option dialog
- Fixed: AutoSuggest not align properly in search panel (Google Chrome only)
- Fixed: "Required" validator not work with checkbox(es) and select-multiple
- Compatibility with PHP Report Maker 6
- Other minor improvements and fixes
2012/08/28 v9.0.4
- Insert/Update/Delete methods added to table class
- Support Image fields in reports (primary key must be set up)
- Validate AutoFill settings before generation
- Trigger target element's onchange/click event after AutoFill
- Check $_GET["export"] and auto-login in blank page
- Allow empty Ajax lookup result from server
- Allow no HREF field for file upload fields
- JsRender (and jQuery) and Sizzle updated
- Handled: "$" exists in table/field names
- Fixed: IsAdmin() does not return true for "Administrator" User Level
- Fixed: Auto-Update fields not shown in View page
- Fixed: Missing $Pager property in List/View page
- Fixed: Client side validation not fired in Change Password page
- Fixed: Multi-Page not displayed in View page properly
- Fixed: Default search values not shown in search form
- Fixed: Decimal numbers corrupted in Confirm page
- Fixed: Error after creating new view/report if "Show Loaded Tables Only" enabled
- Other minor improvements and fixes
2012/07/17 v9.0.3
- JsRender, Sizzle, PHPMailer and PHP Thumb updated
- Provide more info on failure in loading project file
- Support email sender in "Sender Name
<Email Address>
" format
- Set up page object's Export property in blank page for custom use
- Rename Multi-Language settings if table renamed
- User ID field displays data if "Allow View All" enabled
- Fixed: Empty selection list for User ID field in search form if login as non-administrator
- Fixed: Calendar not working in detail table Grid-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Error initializing search panel that does not exist
- Fixed: Error detecting empty row in detail table grid in some cases
- Fixed: Multi-Page View page not works in IE9
- Fixed: Preview page ignoring User ID field
- Fixed: Error after editing Multi-Page labels
- Other minor improvements and fixes
2012/05/29 v9.0.2
- JsRender and jQuery updated
- IS NULL and IS NOT NULL search operator added
- CSS styles for site title, page title and export options added
- UserID_Filtering server event added
- Some common file types detected for BLOB field without File Type field
- Inserting non-autoinc pri key and skipping pri key validation allowed in Row_Inserting
- Field object Visible property supported in Search page
- AttachmentFileName and AttachmentContent properties added to Email object
- External stylesheet placed in project stylesheet subfolder
- Handled: PostgreSQL bytea_output(9.x) and serial field (as composite key)
- Handled: MySQL TIME data type with field value >= 24:00:00
- Fixed: Quick Search type default
- Fixed: Cannot add User Level permissions to table when adding new User Level
- Fixed: Undefined property $DbMasterFilter
- Fixed: Call to undefined method SetupKeyValues()
- Fixed: "Initiate search panel as collapsed" for pages with Quick Search only
- Fixed: Function for formatting number
- Fixed: Align setting ignored in report
- Fixed: User ID field causes error in Custom Template
- Fixed: Empty string as thousand separator
- Fixed: Truncated decimal number in confirm page
- Fixed: User ID Security in Multi-Update page
- Fixed: Problems with Display Field #4 and Filter Field #4
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection lists with more than one children lists
- Fixed: Auto-select for selection list
- Fixed: JavaScript function for clearing form
- Other minor improvements and fixes
2012/04/26 v9.0.1
- JsRender updated
- Dynamic Selection Lists do not allow empty parents
- Handled: Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: Empty string supplied as input
- Fixed: Foreign key field not setup properly in detail table Add page
- Fixed: Align setting (in View Tag panel) not working
- Fixed: Incorrect upload path in List/View page
- Fixed: Cannot export "ALL" records for "Export Current Page"
- Fixed: Allow Add links not displayed for non-Administrators
- Fixed: Empty row with default values not detected properly in Grid-Add
- Fixed: Incorrect detail table link in YUI Container extension
- Fixed: ScrollTable extension not work with both top/bottom paging sections
- Fixed: Undefined variables/properties not handled properly
- Fixed: Error: Call to a member function SqlDetailFilter_
() on a non-object
- Fixed: Fields for Allow Add in old projects converted wrongly
- Fixed: Not loading User Level permissions properly
- Fixed: Not using database view's SQL
- Fixed: Type Mismatch on non English OS
- Other minor fixes
2012/04/17 v9.0.0
- Improved Dynamic Selection Lists. Supports up to 4 pairs of parent field and filter field.
- Improved Add Option Form. Supports JavaScript features such as DHTML editor, JSCalendar, etc.
- Improved Auto-Fill
- Improved Preview Row. Shows detail tables in TabView. (Extension for registered users only)
- Custom View Tag for overriding View Tag setting and display field value with custom code
- Custom Template. Allows showing fields with your own template.
- Default search values
- Options to generate scripts without header and footer
- "Allow View All" option for User ID Security, allow users to view other users' records
- Separate permissions for List/View/Search in both Static and Dynamic User Level Security
- Allows selecting tables to show in User Level Permission Setup page
- Option for Auto-Suggest to search Display Field #2 to #4 also
- Option to allow login by URL
- Time limit for exporting all records
- New Table Setup page next to Field Setup page for quick access to current table settings
- IIS Express as testing web server
- Faster script generation (by JScript engine)
- Multi-language lookup table display fields
- Export to native Excel5/2007 (PHPExcel extension for registered users only)
- Different locale settings and time zone for Multi-Language
- Supports SMTP servers using TLS/SSL
- Supports formatted decimal values in Add/Edit page
- JavaScript message and icons for messages
- Option to hide unused menu items in menu editor
- Option to open project file without AutoSync
- More helper functions for server events and client Scripts
- Allow specifying start page for project
- Simplified User Code by JavaScript
- Detects project changes when closing project
- Many other minor improvements
2011/08/25 v8.0.3
- Show tooltip field for image fields also
- Allow-Add puts newly added item in AutoSuggest textbox
- Add maxlength attribute for AutoSuggest textbox
- Skip checking for duplicate key if composite key contains autoincrement field
- Show field caption in duplicate index message
- Add global function CurrentMasterTable()
- Email validation allows underscore in domain name
- Add error_reporting(-1) in debug mode
- Use Server Events/Client Scripts for List page in Grid page
- Fixed: jscalendar not working in Update page
- Fixed: export not detected correctly when outputting HTTP header
- Fixed: Master/Detail-Add/Edit with file upload fields and/or confirm page
- Fixed: Autoincrement field not detected correctly for SQL Server 2008
- Other minor fixes and improvements
2011/07/06 v8.0.2
- ReadOnly property added to field object for use with server event (for TEXT/PASSWORD/TEXTAREA Edit Tag only)
- Fixed: Field object Visible property not working in register page
- Fixed: Row_Selected server event not allowing change of field values
- Fixed: Master/Detail-Add/Edit with file upload fields in detail table
- Fixed: Unable to restore form values if Master/Detail-Add failed
- Fixed: Cannot alter view or load newly created view when using URL connection method
- Fixed: Quick Search not work for fields with lookup table and "Allow sort/search" enabled
- Fixed: Commas in User Values not parsed correctly
- Fixed: New custom menu item not displayed in Menu Editor properly
- Fixed: Advanced Setting "Remove XSS" ignored
- Fixed: Missing TablePermission_Loaded server event
- Fixed: AutoFill not filling fields with HIDDEN/CHECKBOX/RADIO Edit Tag
- Fixed: Password field not updated if not using MD5 password
- Fixed: Email_Sending event argument corrected as "rsnew" (not "rs") during SendEmailOnAdd and Grid-Add
- Fixed: DHTML Editor not working properly in Multi-Update and Add-Blank-Row (during Grid-Add/Edit)
- Fixed: Render aggregate values correctly for export
- Improved: Remove thousand separator and convert decimal point to "." before insert/update
- Improved: SELECT TOP or LIMIT clause and always use LIKE operator for AutoSuggest
- Improved: Detect identity field better (MS SQL Server)
- Improved: Detect enum fields (as boolean fields) better (MySQL)
- Improved: Send utf-8 email correctly with PHP mail() function
- Improved: Better keeping of the theme CSS styles during export
- Updated: YUI 2.90 and jQuery 1.6.2
- Other minor fixes and improvements
2011/03/15 v8.0.1
- DOMPDF updated to 0.6.0 beta 2
- Meta tag added when export to Word/Excel
- AllowAddDeleteRow property added (for use with server event)
- Fixed: Missing WriteAuditTrailOn*() methods in detail grid class
- Fixed: Wrong file size saved if more than one file upload elements
- Fixed: Infinite loop when validating dates
- Fixed: Unused checkbox column in List page
- Fixed: Master table not reset properly
- Fixed: Show Loaded Tables Only (List index out of bounds)
- Fixed: Add Blank Row (Not disabled in confirm page and JavaScript issues)
- Fixed: Aggregate values in preview page
- Fixed: Radio buttons and checkbox labels missing
- Fixed: Hyperlink target attribute ignored
- Fixed: Copy icon in detail table List page always displayed
- Fixed: Wrong master table caption in Master/Detail List page
- Fixed: function ew_FormatDateTime() (Undefined variable: DefDateFormat)
- Fixed: Cannot add custom error when validating search form by server event
- Fixed: Other table classes not included in detail grid page
- Fixed: jsCalendar (Stack Overflow error) in Master/Detail-Add/Edit
- Fixed: Error during generation (Object required: 'MASTERFIELD')
- Fixed: Wrong field size detected for non utf-8 tables
- Fixed: Menu Editor (buttons disabled, cannot add new custom menu item)
- Fixed: Menu with consecutive menu groups not displayed properly
- Fixed: Default Date Format setting not properly shown in UI
- Fixed: Return Page setting not saved
- Fixed: Multi-Update settings lost after converting old project
- Fixed: Cannot edit Custom View
- Other minor fixes and improvements
2011/02/10 v8.0.0
- PHP 5 (PHP 4 is no longer supported)
- Oracle Support
- Improved Grid-Add and Grid-Edit
- Master/Detail-Add and Master/Detail-Edit
- Export to PDF (Note: This extension is experimental only.)
- Create, Alter and Drop Views
- Menu with Grouping (Graphical Extension)
- Field Hint as Tooltip
- More Server Events (Page_Head, User_CustomValidate, Menu_Rendering, Page_DataRendering and Page_DataRendered)
- More than one field per row in the Extended Quick Search panel
- More display fields (up to 4) for selection lists
- Copy file upload fields also on copying a record
- Table synchronization (instead of synchronizing the whole database)
- Option to show loaded tables only (for use with "Load tables dynamically" option)
- Improved sortable and searchable lookup fields
- Hyperlinks for export as cListOptions object. Allows manipulating export links like list options.
- Improved user interface with Unicode support. Resizes better in 64bit Windows.
- Multi-Language support for user values in Edit Tag panel
- Advanced setting for maximum number of suggested options in AutoSuggest
- Selectable font for CAPTCHA extension
- Updated extensions (CKEditor, TinyMCE)
- jQuery extensions (includes jquery.js for user's own use only. PHPMaker does NOT use jQuery.)
- Detect password in simple '
' format (PHPMaker does NOT create salted password.)
- Convert ASPMaker or ASP.NET Maker project file to PHPMaker project
- Other minor improvements
2010/06/29 v7.1.0
- User_PasswordExpired event fixed
- $_FILES['userfile']['error'] checked
- Image Resize extension - AlwaysKeepAspectRatio option added
- Improved Unicode Property Editor
- Copy Table Settings
- Allow converting Custom View to database view
- setPhrase/setProjectPhrase/setMenuPhrase/setTablePhrase/setFieldPhrase methods added for language class
- Blank phrases in language file removed
- Import menu items for charts from PHP Report Maker
- Compatible with PHP Report Maker 4
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2010/03/02 v7.0.1
- utf-8 field names allowed
- Table filter considered in non List page
- "AllowNoPager" advanced settings added
- Custom validation for username and password field allowed in Registration page
- md5 password change detected
- Export- to- email in View page without pager fixed
- "Back to Master List" ignoring paging after search fixed
- ListOptions properly rendered for PHP 4
- Aggregate values properly formatted
- Upload path (relative to application root) properly converted for viewing file
- Image Resize extension - not keeping aspect ratio allowed
- Details Preview extensions - tooltip value and multi-language field caption fixed
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2010/01/11 v7.0.0
- PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access and SQL Server support
- Multi-language web site
- Unicode property editor for multi-language text properties (e.g. Table/Field/Menu captions)
- Track failed login attempts. Password expiry. Disallow concurrent login.
- Sort/Search lookup field
- Option for concurrent update checking
- Options to export all, current page or selected records
- Email records (Export to Email)
- Option to show detail record count
- Tooltip field
- Audit trail to database
- CAPTCHA for edit page
- Support site icon (favicon)
- Allow show/hide list page option columns by server event
- Advanced settings for options in template
- Tools to delete template cache, copy field settings and sort tables
- Find and Replace dialog in Server Event and Client Script editor
- Highlight implemented Server Events / Client Scripts
- More server events
- Project synchronization log
- More control in file generation
- Custom menu items with option to allow Anonymous User or not
- Show list page as scrollable table with fixed header (extension for registered users)
- Show detail records within main table (extension for registered users)
- Graphical extension with icons and horizontal/vertical menu (extension for registered users)
- Many other minor enhancements
2009/04/22 v6.1.0
- Compatibility with PHP Report Maker 3
- Importing menu items into Menu Editor from PHP Report Maker project
- Table caption used in User Level permission setup page (userpriv.php)
- Table filter allowed for Custom View
- MySQL NEWDECIMAL field (246) supported in Custom View setup form
- Ajax Selection List degraded to non Ajax version automatically in Add Option page
- No wrap and no lookup values for the summary row
- Security for sub menu items (non-custom menu items only) considered
- Keywords in keyword.xml handled as case-insensitive
- Fixed: Specified default page name not used
- Fixed: Second search value not displayed properly when first search operator is "USER SELECT" with "BETWEEN" selected
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List problem with value containing spaces
- Fixed: Changing 1st selection not resetting 3rd level selection list (and on) in Ajax Dynamic Selection List
- Fixed: "Required" validation for CHECKBOX/RADIO in Ajax Dynamic Selection List
- Fixed: Textbox showing link field value on mouse cursor over list item in AutoSuggest
- Fixed: Table filter not used in Preview page
- Fixed: Missing field width/wrap in List page
- Fixed: AutoFill for fields with RADIO Edit Tag
- Fixed: Add Option Page user level permission problem
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2009/02/16 v6.0.1
- Modifying SearchValue and SearchValue2 in events allowed
- Fixed: Search form containing fields with "USER SELECT" search operators
- Fixed: Field value with white spaces only has no table cell border in List page
- Fixed: Not including *info.php for master tables of master table
- Fixed: Synchronization error with tables/fields of same name but different cases
- Fixed: Audit trail error with Grid-Add
- Fixed: Ajax Dynamic Selection List with different data types of filter field and link field
- Fixed: Ajax Dynamic Selection Lists with more than 2 levels not loading properly in Edit page
- Fixed: User ID security filtering records for Administrator in some cases
- Fixed: Multi-Delete page not retrieving just selected records if the List page has search criteria
- Fixed: Add new option dialog box or popup calendar displayed behind Auto-Suggest fields
- Fixed: Selected option value not displayed properly in Auto-Suggest if the Link field <> Display field
- Fixed: Decimal/Float field inserted/updated as 0 if no value is inputted
- Fixed: Upload field not restored in Edit page if update failed
- Fixed: CSS stylesheet file name not matching that in generated scripts
- Fixed: Quick Search not working properly for fields with alias
- Fixed: Error during generation if no tables are selected
- Fixed: Row_Deleted/Deleting events wrongly displayed as Recordset_Deleted/Deleting event
- Fixed: Export problems when only Printer-friendly is selected or Export-to-XML is not selected
- Fixed: Server side validation for file upload field setup as "Required"
- Fixed: Lookup table with User ID field
- Fixed: Foreign key field values not loaded in Grid-Add for detail table
- Fixed: Alternating row color not loaded properly
- Fixed: Error with GetUserInfo/CurrentUserInfo function
- Fixed: Sub-menu not displayed properly in graphical extension
- Fixed: Menu not compatible with PHP Report Maker
- Fixed: Email notification error in Multi-Update page
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2008/12/01 v6.0.0
- Themes
- Menu Editor
- Grid-Add
- Enhanced Auto-Suggest
- Enhanced Auto-Fill
- Enhanced Dynamic Selection List
- Enhanced Multi-Page as Tabs
- Enhanced Form Validation (server-side validation)
- Enhanced Advanced Security (hierarchical Parent User ID security and server events)
- More Server Events and Client Scripts (for Advanced Security, Form Validation, Email Sending, Searching and Menu)
- Enhanced Export
- Return page
- MD5 and case-sensitive password
- Searching multiple selection values (stored as comma separated values) using partial match
- Collapsible Quick/Extended Search panel by default
- Advanced extension settings - allow table/field level settings for extensions
- Improved query builder
- Many other minor enhancements
2008/02/02 v5.0.2
- String field size for Custom View corrected based on database collation
- Form element values properly HTML-encoded
- Numeric values trimmed for proper data update
- User specified upload temp folder (EW_UPLOAD_TMP_PATH) added in config file for PHP safe_mode or open_basedir restriction
- Blank entry for User combobox in Search page added for Parent User (User ID Security)
- File specified for the image resize script properly checked
- Fixed: Total record count not updated if Recordset_Selecting event changes the number of records
- Fixed: "Unauthorized" error for User ID field in Add page
- Fixed: User ID field not auto-filled in Add page
- Fixed: Date field with Long Date format not searchable
- Fixed: Default User Level (User Level = 0) not recognized
- Fixed: Custom Attribute for RADIO Edit Tag not generated properly
- Fixed: Missing AutoUpdate fields in Advanced/Extended Search
- Fixed: Row_Deleting event not fired for each row
- Fixed: Missing table header checkbox for Multiple Delete
- Fixed: Dynamic Selection List not working properly for multiple selection
- Fixed: Extra quote character of Ajax Dynamic Selection List with string type filter field
- Fixed: Report grouping level "Show summary" setting ignored
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2007/11/01 v5.0.1
- Hiding autoincrement primary key in Edit page allowed
- Added a blank option for User ID combobox in Search page for parent users
- Proper handling of user values with non alphanumerical characters (e.g. comma, double quotes)
- Advanced Search "Starts With" bug fixed
- Session cookie deleted properly in logout page
- Proper auto redirection to view page after login
- Slow IsValidUserID checking problem fixed
- Image header for BLOB field View page added for Firefox
- Read-only parent field in Dynamic Selection List handled
- Href values for read-only fields setup in Edit page properly
- XMLHttpRequest onreadystatechange event of newer version of Firefox properly handled
- Access violation during setup of lookup tables fixed
- File upload with file in uppercase extension handled
- "Allow Add" bug fixed
- Updating Custom View for single table allowed
- TEXT fields unsearchable bug fixed
- Division by zero error during searching handled
- List/View Page Options (Global) properly loaded into UI
- chmod uploaded file properly
- Extended Search with 2nd Search operator and Ajax Selection List bug fixed
- "dd-mm-yyyy" or "mm-dd-yyyy" ("-" as date separator only) as date format bug fixed
- Wrong filter if multiple master table bug fixed
- User ID field not auto-filled bug fixed
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2007/09/03 v5.0.0
- Grid-Edit, Inline-Add and Inline-Copy
- Search Result Highlight
- Multi-Update
- View Page Pager and Export
- Data Confirmation (Add/Edit/Registration Page)
- CAPTCHA (template extension)
- Multiple Master/Detail
- Detail Records Preview (template extension)
- Dynamic Selection List with Multiple Selection Support
- Auto-Fill Textbox
- Add Extra Option to Dynamic Selection List
- Anonymous User
- Auto-Redirect
- Registration Confirmation Email to New User and Activation Option
- Server Events and Client Scripts
- Auto-Update Fields
- Login/Logout audit trail
- More HTML settings for modifying the general look and feel
- Duplicate value checking in Edit page also
- Date/Time formats with time part
- Custom validation functions allowed
- Option to display no records in List page before searching
- Paging section at top and/or bottom
- Collapsible Quick/Extended Search panel (template extension)
- Project auto-backup
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Many other minor enhancements
2006/12/19 v4.3.0
- Copying global settings to table-specific settings allowed
- Upload field as hyperlink field allowed
- Special case of numeric paging handled (Deleting last record which is first record of the last page)
- Ajax Dynamic Selection List bug fixed (Child comboboxes not updated properly if more than 2 levels)
- Report bug with lookup field as summary field fixed (Field value not displayed properly)
- Parent User ID bug in Add page fixed (Could not insert User ID of child users)
- Report bug fixed (Report as detail table with both User ID security and Parent User ID enabled)
- Advanced Security setup form bug fixed (Incorrect data type not matching prompt for string type User ID fields)
- Output file name bug fixed (default page not generated correctly if default page is not named as "index.*")
- Query builder improved
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/10/21 4.2.0
- Using old settings for new/renamed tables/fields allowed during synchronization
- Field caption escaped for use in validation JavaScript
- Validation JavaScript for upload file type added
- Validation JavaScript for required upload field in Edit page fixed
- Multi-Page bug fixed (not worked with checkbox/radiobutton groups)
- Dynamic Selection List bug fixed (JavaScript generated for fields not selected for the page)
- Add page problem for Custom View fixed (INSERT statement using Custom View name but not the source table name)
- Encrypt/Decrypt function updated to handle the script timeout problem with some PHP versions on Linux
- URL connection method improved to work with database user of no SHOW DATABASE privilege
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/09/20 4.1.0
- Multi-Page Update feature improved
- Infix for output file name supported (for table-specific scripts only)
- Code to prevent caching added in phpmaker.php
- Wrong field name in BLOB field retrieval script (*_bv.php) fixed (if table is a detail table)
- Database Sync problems with ENUM/SET fields in Custom View fixed
- Code to insert/update/delete properly placed after inserting/updating/deleting functions (events)
- Ajax child combobox updated properly in Edit page
- Custom View/Report with error skipped during generation
- User ID Security bug fixed (when User ID field name different from that in user table and Parent User ID is used)
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/07/31 4.0.2
- Audit Trail bug fixed (Delete not logged)
- Email notification bug fixed (emails for Add/Edit not sent if Audit Trail not enabled)
- ENUM(Y/N) field bug fixed (Checkbox not checked in Edit page; Detected as altered in Custom View during synchronization)
- userpriv.php bug fixed (field names was hard-coded)
- Field validation error message bug fixed
- Registration error message not displayed problem fixed
- Table sequence display problem after sync fixed
- Anonymous User Level bug fixed (did not work together with User ID Security)
- "php" set in fckconfig.js for FCKEditor
- Source table filter support added back for report
- chmod() added for uploaded files
- Relative root path used prior to PHP document root variable as application root for file upload to folder
- Query builder improved
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/06/15 v4.0.1
- Master/Detail bug fixed (not worked properly with User ID Security or with more than one linked fields)
- Missing single quotes for ENUM/SET fields bug fixed
- Login page bug fixed (User ID not set for built-in Administrator User Level)
- "Undefined index [script_name]" error handled
- "Cannot set time limit in safe mode" error handled
- "Undefined variable: sExport" fixed
- Missing "/" before index page for Browser After Generation fixed
- Search operators (LIKE, NOT LIKE, STARTS WITH) not translated problem fixed
- Synchronization problem fixed (Manually set primary key for views or Custom Views may be lost after sync)
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/06/06 v4.0.0
- Auto-suggest textbox (by Ajax)
- Allows adding extra option to lookup table (by Ajax)
- Enhanced Dynamic Selection List (by Ajax)
- Dynamic User Levels
- Parent User ID
- Auto-Login
- Extended Quick Search
- Multi-Page Update
- Enhanced file upload to folder (Unique name, delete uploaded files, file type checking, separate upload path)
- Extensions (new DHTML editors and popup calendars)
- Paths relative to application root folder
- PHPMailer with SMTP Server authentication support
- "BETWEEN" search operator
- "AND/OR" condition between the 2 search operators for each field
- Duplicate value checking for non uniquely indexed fields
- Repeat column option for checkbox or radiobutton list (CHECKBOX/RADIO Edit Tag)
- CSS stylesheet now used for all projects, user interface HTML settings (General/Body/Table) applied to stylesheet
- Enhanced user interface - Windows XP style, fixed table/field names, checkbox in database pane
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2006/02/11 v3.2.1
- PHP with short_open_tag off handled
- PHP5 with register_long_arrays off handled
- Create/Delete folder buttons in Select Destination Folder dialog
- Detail table list page bug (when using with User ID security and user owns no records in master table) fixed
- Output file name suffix bug (Generated links not matching the file names of *_bv.php files) fixed
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/10/12 v3.2.0
- Inline delete (delete without confirmation page) added
- Highlighted and selected row color added
- Improved query builder
- JSCalendar
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/07/07 v3.1.0
- Composite key supported (Primary key become uneditable in edit page)
- Change in zipped templates detected by file date and size
- Master/Detail tables with User ID Security strictened (detail table protected without User ID field)
- File upload and popup calendar supported in Register page
- "Cancel" button for aborting script generation
- Max. length setting added for memo fields in List page
- Wrong field size for char/varchar fields with multi-byte collation problem fixed
- JDBC connection removed
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/06/14 v3.0.3.0
- Header font color with CSS style sheet bug fixed
- Popup calendar problem (Pops up on pressing Enter key) fixed
- Custom View not supporting function in WHERE clause problem fixed
- 31 chars limit for field names in Custom View removed
- phpmaker.php bugs (with Custom Views) fixed
- db.php bug fixed (Missing MySQL port number)
- Better handling for loading email templates on some Linux servers
- HIDDEN Edit Tag now also applied to Add pages
- RADIO Edit Tag bug (syntax error in list/view page if with lookup table and filter) fixed
- User Code bug fixed (Some system functions cannot be overridden)
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/03/22 v3.0.2.0
- Changes in control.xml in the unzipped template detected
- Extension of include files now changed with specified default output file extension
- URL for *_bv.php (for retrieving file in BLOB field) now generated properly when "lowercase" file name selected
- "N" as field value instead of NULL for ENUM(Y/N) fields (boolean fields) when checkbox is unchecked
- Single quotes in field values handled properly during lookup
- Table filter of base table considered in Report
- Default values and Edit Tag setting of fields applied in register page
- Upload path delimiter bug (for Unix-based server) fixed
- View page bug (Missing detail table links if different master/detail field name) bug fixed
- SQL bug in list page when using Custom View with Master/Detail fixed (No fields in SELECT statement)
- Custom View bug (Cannot setup from SQL with aggregate function) fixed
- Read-only datetime field bug (field value lost after editing) fixed
- Query builder improved
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/01/10 v3.0.1.0
- ob_clean and ob_flush replaced by ob_end_clean
- Empty output file extension setting in previous version project file handled during conversion
- Error handling of query added
- Improved error handling during Custom View setup
- User ID Security bug fixed (some Advanced Security codes was generated even when security is disabled)
- Date formatting bug fixed
- List Page Options (Global) bug fixed (settings were not saved)
- Dynamic Table Loading option added in the Database tab
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2005/01/03 v3.0.0.0
- Advanced Security with built-in Administrator and Anonymous user level
- User Registration System with option to send confirmation email
- Custom View with query builder
- Report
- ASP.NET style Inline Editing
- Export to HTML/Word/Excel/CSV/XML
- Multi-column Sorting
- User Selectable Page Size
- Table-specific List Page Options
- Dynamic Table Loading
- Unzipped and Cached Template
- Improved Template Format
- Option to use "-" or "." as date separator
- Selectable fields and allowing numeric fields for Quick Search
- Checkbox to select/unselect all records for Multi-Delete
- Edit/Copy/Delete/Details links in view page
- Custom value with HIDDEN Edit Tag
- View Tag formatting applied to lookup values
- Improved dynamic selection list
- Enhanced user interface - Office 2003 style, dockable database panel
- New DHTML editor and popup calendar
- Many other minor enhancements
2004/11/15 v2.1.0.2
- MySQL 4.1.1 or later password supported
- Add/Edit pages bug fixed (codes generated for fields not selected)
2004/10/02 v2.1.0.1
- Allow entering database name if mysql_list_dbs() not allowed in phpmaker.php
- Duplicate key checking in edit page removed
- Alternate row color bug in delete page fixed
- Read-only field bug (when the field linked to an lookup table) in add/edit pages fixed
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2004/07/13 v2.1.0.0
- Three connection methods: DIRECT, JDBC or URL
- CSS stylesheet support
- Field Wrap and Field Width for list page (non-multi column)
- Field Aggregation
- Footer Color
- Different selections of fields for add page and edit page allowed
- Allow Edit/View settings added in Table Setup Page
- Autoincrement field become hidden in add pages
- Second combobox filtered in edit page
- View tag format settings also applied to fields with RADIO/CHECKBOX/SELECT Edit Tag
- Duplicated values checking for primary key and unique indexes in add/edit pages
- Enhanced User Interface
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
2004/0/31 v2.0.0.7
- Undefined variable/constant bug fixed (when only User ID security is enabled)
- Filename bug fixed for BLOB view scripts (when "Lowercase" output filename is selected)
- JavaScript validation supported for multiple selection ("CHECKBOX"/"SELECT" Edit Tags)
- JavaScript bug fixed in edit pages with fields using "FILE" Edit tag and "Required" validation
2004/2/10 v2.0.0.6
- Multi-select with magic_quotes_gpc on bug fixed
- Double quote as SQL identifier quote character bug fixed
2004/01/30 v2.0.0.5
- Support using local file as URL (file://) for remote connection
- Better handling of ENUM/SET values and default values
- Not generating shell call in index.php/logout.php bug fixed
- Other minor fixes and improvements
2004/01/15 v2.0.0.4
- Default value cleared after synchronization bug fixed
- Date Format reset to default on program restart bug fixed
- Updating fields not selected for editing bug fixed
2004/01/13 v2.0.0.3
- Upload to folder problem fixed (Environment variable changed to server variable)
- Max. file upload size bug fixed
- File name/type field bug fixed (were not selected in the file-retrieving script)
2004/01/08 v2.0.0.2
- Advanced Security session variable name bug fixed
- Multi-Select (CHECKBOX/SELECT) bug fixed
- ActiveX error problem during script generation resolved (Windows Script Control not installed)
2004/01/05 v2.0.0.1
- Synchronization bug fixed
2004/01/02 v2.0.0.0
- Allow restricting users to access their own data
- Allow assigning user level to users
- BLOB, ENUM and SET fields supported
- File/image uploading to folder/database and displaying from database supported
- Master/Detail tables
- Multiple columns
- Multiple delete
- Copy record (add record quickly by copying from an existing record)
- Up/down arrows in the table header to show the current sorting field and order
- Optional position of paging section and add/copy/edit/delete/detail links
- Optional paging section style
- Quick Search supports searching using "All words", "Any words" and "Exact phrase"
- Advanced Search supports searching ranges
- 'File' tag for BLOB fields
- 'Select' tag as listbox and multiple selection supported
- Second comboxbox for 'Select' to dynamically change options in an other selection list
- 'Checkbox' improved, multiple checkboxes for multiple selection supported (default for SET fields)
- Support using 'Checkbox' with "boolean" fields (ENUM('N','Y') or ENUM('Y','N'))
- 'Checkbox' and 'Radio' support using static values or linking to an existing table
- Allow displaying field as "Read Only" using the View Tag in edit page
- Allow specifying a filter (WHERE clause) for the linked table
- Using DHTML editor for 'TextArea' supported
- Allow displaying field as hyperlinks using another field or itself as URL
- String functions (e.g. strtoupper, htmlentities, or custom functions) supported
- Selective Script Generation
- Separate Language File
- Customizable Code Generation
- Connection over HTTP to remote MySQL using a PHP script on server
- Filter (WHERE clause) for tables
- Option to show/hide table links in menu
- Improved user interface for setting up "Edit Tag" and "View Tag"
- Support using MySQL default values and ENUM/SET fields values
- Allow running without administrator rights (Note: Still need necessary rights to install, create IIS virtual directory, create files in destination folder, etc.)
- .NET style look and feel
2002/11/07 v1.0.0.3
- Remove a required dll to avoid the "Library not registered" problem when clicking the database combobox button
2002/11/06 v1.0.0.2
- Fixed a bug that prevents connecting to MySQL which database names are case-sensitive
- Minor bug fixes
2002/10/31 v1.0.0.0
- version 1.0 released
Semakin kesini memang semakin keren, Fitur2nya.
Kelemahan2 PHP Maker sebelumnya :
1. SEO
sejak Versi 2021 sudah ada
2. Struktur Folder (File inti)
di versi yg dulu2 semua File PHP hasil Generate (dari DB) ngumpul di Root Aplikasi (sekarang sdh rapi / MVC)
3. Master –> Multi Detail
Sampai saat ini masih belum ada Halaman (minimal View/ List) yang menampilkan Master-> Muli Detail (dalam satu halaman)
4. User Page
Seperti PHP Rad sudah menyediakan halaman khusus untuk User yang Login (Akun sendiri), Profile, Ubah Profile Sendiri, dll… (sementara hanya ada Ubah Password & terkait Security)
tapi menurut saya semua Fitur yang ada Sudah lebih dari cukup untuk membuat Aplikasi Skala “Kecil-Menengah”,
Namun yang saya masih heran Developer2 dan Software House masih hampir belum ada yang memanfaatkan PHP Maker (mungkin belum bisa Multi Developer/ susah) satu Projek dikerjakan banyak orang.
yang mengakibatkan Permintaan Pasar pun masih mengandaklan Framework (CI, Laravel,CakePHP, YII dll ) sebagai syarat Software mereka.
bahkan Rekrutmen Tenaga IT (Swasta/ BUMN) pun sebagian besar mensyaratkan harus menguasai minimal Laravel (yg lagi naik daun), padahal kalau sudah kenal PHP Maker enaak banget.
apa yang salah dari PHP Maker ? hehee
atau karena belum ada Contoh nyata yg diketahui Publik , sebuah Aplikasi Besar yang dipakai / dijual yang memakai PHP Maker ?
1 dan 2: setuju.
3. Halaman Master/Multi-Detail sudah ada, tapi hanya bisa menampilkan sampai dengan 1 tingkat kedalaman table Detail.
4. Untuk fitur Security, PHPMaker masih tanggung menampilkan Permission di halaman User Level-nya. Fitur Export Data belum ada permission-nya, jadi belum bisa diset secara dinamis seperti Permission CRUD.
PHPMaker sepertinya dibuat untuk mengatasi pekerjaan yang seharusnya cukup dilakukan oleh satu orang Web Developer, tidak perlu rame-rame mengerjakannya.
Banyak Web Developer masih mengandalkan PHP Framework seperti CI, Laravel, dll itu karena satu alasan saja: Gratis dan tidak berbayar! Hehehe… bandingkan jika mereka harus mengeluarkan uang Rp 5 Juta untuk pembelian license pertama PHPMaker versi 2022 (misalnya).
Sebenarnya bukan PHPMaker-nya yang salah, tapi karena alasan di atas tadi, ada biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk menggunakan PHPMaker (meskipun tidak semua Web Developer seperti itu). Tapi, pada umumnya, ya masih seperti itu.
Kalau contoh-contoh aplikasi web, sebenarnya sudah banyak, tapi memang tidak secara terang-terangan di-share kepada publik.
Contoh, saya sudah banyak membangun Aplikasi Web dengan PHPMaker untuk salah satu client terbesar saya, dan sebagian besar hanya bisa diakses dari jaringan Intranet mereka. Sekali dibangun, ditinggal bertahun-tahun, masih tetap jalan.
Dari sekian banyak Aplikasi Web itu, di antaranya ada 2 Aplikasi Web utama yang setiap hari selalu digunakan oleh kantor-kantor mereka di seluruh Indonesia, dan setiap hari dipantau bersama fitur Reporting/Monitoring-nya, karena merupakan parameter untuk pengukuran KPI Direksi perusahaan.
Lumayan lega dan puas juga mengawal Aplikasi Web tersebut. Bahkan, sudah beberapa kali saya update, dan hasil update-nya berjalan dengan mulus. Waktu pengembangannya pun cepat, dan hasilnya relatif stabil meskipun sudah ditinggal bertahun-tahun.
Bahkan ada yang saya develop tahun 2010 dan 2013, sampai tahun 2022 saya tinggal masih berjalan dengan mulus.
3. iya yang sy maksud Master –> Banyak Detail (dalam satu halaman) saat ini belum tersedia
4. iya bener banget, untk Pengaturan User Level jika Tabel nya sudah ratusan agak repot juga meskipun ada fitur Search Ajax.
tapi seandainya bisa dibuat Grouping , seperti Pengaturan Menu-> SubMenu akan lebih keren lagi ====> misalnya : per Modul.
Contoh Aplikasi Sekolah.
1. Modul Rapot :
– Tabel 1, 2,3,4 dst…. (terkait rapot)
2. Modul PMB :
– Tabel 1,2,3,4 dst…. (terkait PMB)
3. Modul Perpustakaan
Tabel 1,2,3,4 dst…. (terkait Perpustakaan)
4. Modul Sistem :
– Tabel terkait Sistem Aplikasi
begitu pula yang tampil di Table/View (sebelah kiri)
5. Auto-Focus
di PHP Maker versi 2022 memang sudah bisa Auto-Focus ke Field Pertama saat halaman di muat, namun jika Field mengandung AutoFill / Lookup ke Database masih belum bisa.
6. Copy Field/Table Setting
di PHP Maker s.d. Versi 2022 sudah ada Fitur Copy Field & Table Setting, namun masih baru sebatas Setting Properti saja, seandainya di bagian “Server-Event” bisa ikut terCopy juga akan lebih memudahkan (setidaknya ada Pilihan Copy/Tidak)
iya mungkin selain berbayar 5 jutaan, juga masih belum Support untuk banyak Developer dalam Sebuah Projek.
dari sekian Aplikasi Bang Masino apakah Client juga diberikan File Projek (Ekstensi PHP Maker) atau hanya File hasil Generate saja ?
karena kalau diberikan File (PMP) bisa dimodifikasi dan tentu bisa dijual lagi oleh Client.. , (meskipun secara Pribadi / Freelance)
> 3. iya yang sy maksud Master –> Banyak Detail (dalam satu halaman) saat ini belum tersedia
Mungkin maksudnya Master/Detail dengan tingkat kedalaman yang tak terhingga, gitu kali ya? Karena kalau Master/Multi-Detail sudah bisa, contoh implementasinya ada di project demo2022, yaitu table master: orders, dan detail-nya ada dua, yaitu orderdetails dan orderdetailextended. 😉
4. Iya, fitur pengelompokan belum ada di User Level.
5. Sudah coba menulis kode jQuery di Startup Script?
6. Ini sudah pernah saya usulkan, tapi belum dikabulkan. Mungkin pertimbangannya supaya Developer tidak terlalu dimanja, sampai-sampai lupa menyesuaikan kode di bagian Server Event-nya, hehehe… 😉
Kalau client saya selama ini tidak terlalu peduli (baca: tidak mau tahu) dengan file project-nya, dan mereka tahunya yang penting aplikasi web yang mereka inginkan berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan.
Bang tanya kenapa kalo di phpmaker 2024 nggak berjalan yaa, kalo di phpmaker2021 fine2 saja script nya kyk gini client event
Tekan F12 dari browser, lalu cek apakah ada error Javascript dari panel Console.
Apakah PHPMaker bisa digunakan untuk 2 database dengan Host dan username berbeda?
Bisa. Pakai fitur Linked Tables.